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1 month later.


Today I marry the woman I was meant to be with. Today I will take her beneath my hard body and mark her as I always should've done. I stand underneath the altar of blossoms and watch Megan walk down the aisle in my direction. Megan approached me in an elegant white form fitting wedding dress. Our eyes were locked on one another. Her eyes reflected the softness I felt inside of my heart. She walked down the path lined with red roses while white rose pedals made up the pathway. With every step she took closer towards me I could see even more clearly the love in her eyes. I heard our sons Mike and Morgan named after Megan's siblings. She had found a way for their names to live on. Their crys held mine and Megan's attention for a mere second as we then quickly looked back at one another and smiled. The nanny was tending to them and got them bottles she had ready. My heart was full at the thought that I had so much in my life to be happy for. As Megan reached the altar and the wedding was about to begin, I swooped in and kissed her before anything could be said. The joy that was inside of me couldn't be contained. She pressed her lips into mine as if she needed this as well. Her long dark hair was in a beautiful updo. It made it easy to place the kiss on her and pull my open hands to the side of her face. She moaned which is when I realized we needed to hurry this up to move onto the marking ceremony. "Hurry this up now!" I growled with pure lust in my deep tone. I had my eyes locked on hers and saw the smirk as if she felt the meaning of my words. "Yes, please." She said flirtatiously back. Her eyes still locked with mine and that smirk never fading. This had my own smirk rising on my face.

We quickly brushed through the wedding ceremony. And when it was announced I could kiss my bride, I swept her off her feet holding her like the bride she was in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed with passion. Shrieks of joy and cheering was heard all around us as we turned towards the tent behind the altar. Just before stepping insideq, I looked back and shouted "Don't expect  us to come out for a few days! We're gonna do this right!" I leaned into her ear and whispered "and maybe a little wrong." We entered the tent where our mate bond would finally be complete.

I took her to the white bed surrounded by white flowers of every kind. Lit candles all over that were so large they burn for days. I layed her on the bed and looked straight down at her. I said "This time, I'll make you scream and howl. Everyone will know the exact moment I bite into you." I undressed  and slid between her legs lifting the dress around her waist. I pressed my cock to her entrance but didn't press in. "I'll take the dress off after I mark you and stain it. Then everytime you see it you'll remember the moment you became mine and I became yours, fully. Now breathe baby because I'm about to shove my cock inside. You won't be able to to catch your breath once I begin." She smiled and grabbed my hair on the back of my head. "I guess we'll just have to see who really takes who's breath away." I slammed into her forcing a gaspy moan that grew louder and louder. I pressed  harder and deeper  moving  my hips in just a way that had her beginning to tighten  around my cock. Just as her climax was about to overtake her, I bit into her shoulder. The feelings of euphoria overtook us both as our bond was completely sealed. I could read her thoughts and knew she could read mine. She screamed from the overwhelming sensation "Oh God Jason!...Yes!... Harder!... Jason." I grunted so loudly even I surprised myself. "Megan!... I love you!"
I heard her thoughts as she repeated her thought of love for me inside. It made me cum hearing her and feeling her inside of my mind. I laid on the bed next to her. I pulled her into me curling my body around hers. Her back to my chest. I kissed her shoulder and whispered "Now you have made me whole." I began to rub her stomach and spoke. "We're going to stay in here through the new moon in 2 days.  I'm going to fill you up so much you're going to feel my cum dripping down your leg like a waterfall. I want to continue building our family. I want to be with you throughout the entire experience this time. This time I hope we have a beautiful little girl." I threaded my hands in her hair and pulled her to my mouth and kissed her, wishing I could make the kiss deeper and deeper.  She pulled back slightly  and leaned her head against mine. She whispered "I'll have as many children as you'll give me as long as you promise to make love to me when I'm as big as a beach ball and beyond." I kissed her lips softly and whispered "always."

1 year later


"Jason! Come get the boys!" I shouted as Mike and Morgan were digging through the clean laundry dragging all the clothes throughout the livingroom. I was constantly nursing our beautiful baby girls. Jennifer, Juliette, and Jasmine. Triplets like myself. Jason walked in and swooped up the boys. "They're just trying to help mama. Let me take care of the kids and you go rest up sweetheart." He said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I got up and laid each of the girls into a bouncer. I started to walk towards the bedroom and  stopped and looked over my shoulder.  "Thanks hun cause this pregnancy is wearing me out compared to the others." I winked as he looked at me with wide eyes shouting "What?" and then I ran into the bedroom giggling and shouted "You heard me."

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