chapter 5

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It had been 2 weeks since the new moon festival. 2 weeks since I'd been with the woman that had me reconsidering most of my life choices. She consumed my thoughts with her long dark curls. Soft skin for days. She had left before I could sink my morning wood deep into her pussy again. I wanted to send her off with another round of my cum dripping between her pussy lips and down her legs. I wanted to make sure every male around could smell me on her, in her, all over her. Damn just thinking about it my dick painfully hard. I hadn't been with anyone since, including Lily. I had no desire or want anymore. Lily had begged me many times. I could tell she was growing weaker and soon would be ill. Thinking of being with her though had made me feel ill. Which didn't  make sense. I'd had Lily for years now. She was mine to do with as I pleased. I had no mate, no markings on me. Damn there she was again. The image of my dark haired nameless beauty with her fangs ready to mark me as I wanted to mark her that night. Why had she left that morning without at least saying goodbye. I know I  felt her emotions that night we were together. I picked up my phone and texted my Beta Josh.

Hey man I need to know if you've found anything on that girl yet?

He would understand. He saw me walking towards her that night. At least I knew I hadn't just conjured her up. New moons left us all in a daze afterwards. He had confirmed who his mate was this last festival. He now proudly sported her mark on him, just as she wore his.

Sorry man. Best I can tell is she was with the hosting pack that left first thing that morning.

Each pack took turns hosting the other packs. The last hosting pack was the one nearest our own. The Michigan pack. Which meant more past tensions between us than with the others. Reaching out to the Alpha Jake wouldn't do me much good. He was around during our packs darkest moments. We were hosting the next new moon festival. Things would be done on my terms then just 2 more weeks.

Another week passed and I woke up in my bed drenched in sweat. I felt her. It was like she was calling out to me in need. I knew that wasn't possible though. Links like that are only made after marking ones mate. A text from Lily was on my phone. It was from an hour ago.

Help me

Where are you?


I rushed out of bed still raging hard from my dream. I slipped on some basketball shorts and took off to Lily's room next to mine. I always wanted her close for when  I needed her. She was mine after all. I rushed in seeing her on the bed sleeping I slammed the door. Letting everyone know where I was and signaling I wasn't to be bothered.
"Lily!" I shouted when she didn't wake up from the slamming door. Was I too late? Was she dead? I had all but abandoned her. She hadn't had my cum inside or my affection for weeks now. I got closer and saw she was alive but weaker than I'd ever seen and nearing death. She needed me. I slipped my shorts off glad for my hard on now. She had on red lace underwear. It was all I bought her. It looked amazing on her chocolate skin. She was beautiful, it's why I took her to begin with. I stood against the bed, her body facing mine. I grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed. I move her black untamed tight curls out of her face and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I'm sorry" I whispered. I climbed over her and spooned her slipping my cock inside. I felt guilt I just assumed was because I had done this to her. I'm a monster that chose her only to abandon her for a woman I didn't even know. Leaving her to die inside and out. I hated the packs decision to force me to find a mate for this reason right here. Filling her I found relief and comfort in the familiar. I had built up a lot of cum and I gave her all of it. Dipping my fingers inside of her getting some on my fingers to give her.  Sliding my fingers in her mouth she sucked my cum off like a hungry nursing cub. So I gave her more until she opened her eyes softly. I told her I had to go get lunch for us and I'd be back to stay with her all day and night. Not cleaning up slipped on my shorts. I knew that smell was sensed by others. I wanted them to know I was taking care of her properly again.

I went to the infirmary after letting the kitchen staff know to make a large amount food to be served in Lilys room. I needed answers to some questions. "Yes alpha. How may I help you?" Dr. Landers asked. "Well Landers, how can I save Lily without her needing my cum?" I asked. "You can't completely stop but you can slow it down by marking her. Then she'd only need replenishing on the harvest moon" he said unwillingly. He knew I was looking for my mate and marking another would prevent my mate from being my Omega. My marked one would be my Omega. I couldn't think of what would be worse for a mate?

I returned to Lily and took her one more time that night. Seeing the gratefulness in her eyes that I had come to her again. "I missed you" she said "they're saying you're trying to find your mate." I laid there silently. I knew she'd see it as an ironic betrayal. I'd killed her mate after all. "I thought you'd made the decision to let me go. You have been more than sex to me. You're my friend." Ok, that hurt. We always knew love wasn't an option but a fondness had developed I to a mutual friendship on both ends. But I no longer wanted her beyond that. I was sad to think the person closest to me thought I could just let her die.

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