chapter 6

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3 weeks ago at the new moon festival I had the most amazing night of my life and barely even spoke to Jason. Oh how I love to say his name.
2 weeks ago. I was told I was to marry Thomas. Thomas is a wonderful man. However, my heart is breaking thinking about what I'd be giving up if I followed my alphas commands. We'd never have love or children together. It sounds lonely living in an empty house married to a man incapable of love. Kindness yes. Thomas is kind. I once saw a future filled with people all around me that loved me. People I could love back. I have always felt driven to take care of and nurture a large group of people. I guess with Thomas being the Beta and second only to Jake my position would be great. I'd be able to care for much more than just my family.

1 week ago. Thomas and I were sitting down to dinner in the dining hall. We hadn't actually discussed get married since leaving Jake's office. We were having a nice conversation about the quality of food being better lately. "Lasagna tastes really good." I said. "Yeah, I think they started making the sauce instead of using a canned version of something some would call sauce." Thomas smiled at me. "Don't worry I'll make sure our chef never uses canned sauce on anything that touches your lips." I froze. I tried to grab a napkin to cover the shock in my faces and not act disappointed in a life with him. He slid off of the long bench and dropped to one knee. My mouth went dry. I looked around and noticed the looks of others around us. "Thomas" I barely was able to say his name. He pulled out a black velvet ring box and spoke "Megan, you know my past as I know yours. The past isn't what's in front of us though. You're what's ahead for me. I know we're limited in our relationship but I will give you every ounce of myself that's available. You will have a place in my heart. You already do. What's that saying "faith the size of mustard seed can move mountains", well I have more faith in us than something so insignificant. Imagine what we can withstand." He paused slightly

"Marry me Megan?"

I was actually touched by those words. He didn't ignore the possible concerns I had deep down he knew them. I'm sure he wanted kids. To see his face looking back at him. I needed to obey my alpha and he was a good man. "Yes. Yes Thomas! I'll marry you!" He kissed me gently and pulled back with a soft smile. He then slid the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. It just didn't feel like me a single white gold band with a single princess cut stone. It lacked personality and felt generic. Was this a sign of what our relationship would actually be like? My heart ached and that night I cried out for Jason. I wasn't sure why but I felt like I needed him to stop my hurt. When I woke up I knew I'd felt him!

That morning Thomas came to my room and said he'd help me pack. "Pack?" I ask a bit confused. "Yes. An engaged couple can no longer stay at the singles headquarters." He replied. We'll move into the Betas manner today. I stilled, grabbing his wrist and looking into his eyes begging for another outcome. "I know Megan. I know" he said before pulling me into his arms. "It wasn't going to be empty forever and you'll have all the good memories surrounding you in the love I know you want." "Look to the future remember?" What he said last night filled my thoughts. It wasn't just his past he referred to but mine. I held onto him because I had nobody else. I clung tightly and breathed him in.

"Here we go." I said as we pulled in front the large brick and stone home. My childhood home. The 2x4 swing still hung from the tree out by the end of the long prelim paver driveway. I walked inside and could see my mother baking in the kitchen to the left my father up ahead sitting next to the large floor to ceiling windows that took up the entire back exterior wall. He was facing the stackstone fireplace. He's reading the same book he always reads, The art of war while drinking an old fashioned.

I started up the stairs and towards my old room but Thomas stopped me by the arm and led me to a remodeled master bed and bathroom. At least it didn't feel like my parents room. I could handle this. "Thank you for changing this." I said "It's been a nonstop project this last week since Jake said we'd be married by next week now." "Thank you it's beautiful." I said "I'm glad you like it." He said. He he showed me all the upgrades like electric blinds and curtains. The spa like shower and led me to a new deck off the bathroom with a giant jacuzzi tub overlooking the woods. The woods I grew up playing in.
He really was trying.

The day before the new moon festival we packed up to leave. It wasn't as close this time as we weren't hosting it. So off to Montana we flew first thing in the morning. But strangely I wasn't feeling my heat coming. It always started slowly the day before a new moon. Maybe my body now sees it's pointless with my current circumstances. Unless... No I couldn't be could I? I rushed to the infirmary just as he was about to lock up and I got a blood test. The blood test wouldn't be done until after the new moon festival as the Dr. was leaving to go aswell. I was excited and nervous as that would mean Jason was my mate. My cheeks flushed at the thought. I remembered that night well, at least the feel of what he did to me and how I felt it for 3 days afterwards. How would I tell Thomas though? When would I tell Jason? How would I get away from Thomas tomorrow night?

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