Keyboard exams!

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I seriously was not interested in learning keyboard, but somehow I had gotten interested somewhere in between and that was when I had completed about a year of keyboard classes.
Then my sir had the idea of sending me for the Trinity Keyboard Exam. So it's a huge deal in the world of music. If you pass you get a certificate from them. I think it's conducted by the Trinity University.
So anyway my parents said that was a great idea and enrolled me for it along with three other children. All four of us were doing the exam for the first time.
My sir decided that we were ready to write the grade two exams and skip the initial and grade 1. Of course I was proud of myself for this but...I thought it was like asking for a fail. But he seemed really confident do we went on and practiced for about three months after which our sir left and another sir came in his place.
He was a really nice man. Kind, funny and he used to teach pretty well. He continued with our exam preparation.
After a few more months the exam date was fixed. All four of us had different timings but the results came around the same time.
My exams went pretty bad. I messed up the two pieces that I had practiced for so long and the theory questions were all new to me.
Turns out my friend who was one among the four participants had found it hard too and so did the little girl. There was one more person but we heard nothing about him.
My results came and I failed by four marks. Just four more marks and I would've passed! My friend's result came a week later while we both were in the institute. He went and took it from the reception and opened it in front of us. He looked so happy when he opened it. "How much did you get?" I asked thinking he had passed. "57." He replied "Dude you failed. why are you so happy?"
"I got more than you!"
"By one mark!"
"Still" he said and sat down grinning.
Our sir had high expectations that me and my friend would pass and had little expectation on the little girl and no good expectation from the other guy. But turns out the fourth guy had passed by two marks and the rest three had failed!
I don't think I went for the classes for a long time after that. I quit the classes visibly disliking the experience, but my parents still won't let go of the fact that I failed and that I should still practice once in a while. I guess they still have high hopes that I'm going to rewrite the exam. Heck no!

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