Stormy Spring

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Joseph stared in shock at Kars and Von Stroheim, confused about the situation in front of him.

"This is spookier than meeting a ghost in a cemetery at midnight.." Joseph felt uneasy. The Germans must have been hiding this. This new medical technology must have been what saved Stroheim's miserable life.

"As you can see, I'm back from hell, Jojo," Von Stroheim grinned at the Brit's direction. "Why don't you make yourself at home on the sofa while you watch me do my work." Kars glared at Joseph. He knows I killed Esidisi, and he hates me for it.

Kars pointed at Joseph menacingly. "Too bad Wamuu is off in Greece doing work. Once I secure the stone, I am going to put an end to your life. We cannot have a hamon user who can defeat Esidisi to be running around." Von Stroheim's arm bent around to his other side, grabbing Kars' left hand. "Your focus is on me!" He pinched Kars' hand roughly and the pillar man was forced to jump up and out of the way.

"German science is the finest in the world! We have calculated exactly what we need to do to strip you of your power. I will rip you apart by every square centimeter!" He announced, grabbing a golf ball and crushing it with immense force. "Jojo! Don't feel sorry for me. I will now show you the peak of German technology and engineering!" A contraption in his stomach revealed a machine gun and several rounds connecting to it. "I am not merely human anymore, I am more! My machine gun can fire 600 rounds a minute, and can shred through metal armor plates like paper. I will destroy you quickly, Kars!"

With no time to react on Kars' end, Von Stroheim began firing his rounds quickly, putting several holes in the pillar man's body. Joseph watched in disbelief. The bullets shredded through Kars' hat and clothing. However, Kars was unfazed.

"I will get the stone today. Esidisi's ultimate sacrifice will not be in vain!" is arm began to glow, and he quickly cut in the air, splitting the rounds in half.

"Impossible!" Stroheim monologued. Kars then began towards him. Stroheim's eyes widened as the pillar man was close enough to cut him. "I know that sound. Those are tiny blades rotating along his blade. We can't win this with any modern technology that I know of!" Kars smirked, slicing the German's body in hall, tearing his arm right arm off. "Santana was nothing but a child, nothing compared to us. Now, I'll be taking that stone."

Joseph analyzed the blade that his enemy had. Even if I concentrated all of my hamon into one blow, the blade would still slice me in half! This is going to be harder than I thought. There isn't any way to get around that blade of his! To be perfectly honest, I want to run away, but if I do that, he'll obtain the stone and will become practically invincible. 

"What's that in your pocket?" Kars questioned, ripping the pocket on Stroheim's chest open. "Ah, the Stone of Asia. 5000 years, and the stone is finally mine." Joseph ground his teeth together. "Kars!"

The pillar man turned his head towards the brunette. "Just be patient, I'll kill you in a moment."

Suddenly, Stroheim looked up. "Kars, you fool. Don't think because I have fallen down that I am finished. I will beat you!" His right eye opened up into some sort of machinery. "Ultraviolet beam!" He yelled, shooting it in Kars' direction. The pillar man backed up some, and the red stone was shot out of his hand, the object landing on the ground. It began sliding down the slope. Kars began speeding after it.

"Jojo! You must go and get it before it falls! Grab it while you still can!" Stroheim yelled towards Joseph.

Joseph nodded, taking off towards the cliff. He could feel the pillar man gaining on him. Damn it! He's focused on it like a laser. From the way he's accelerating, he's going to go off of the cliff. The drop is at least several hundred meters. Kars will be able to survive, but I most definitely won't, it'll mean certain death!

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