Chapter 15

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It was a long time until I could see some light. I looked like we had stopped at some kind of parking lot. All of a sudden I could see fully. I looked around mostly looking for the person that had taken me. I did hear my old boyfriend's voice but that was probs just imaginary. I'm in not a van but a really nice Aventidor. I was surprised, usually this kind of shit like kidnaping is done in a shit car. I wasn't tied up or anything. I just sit in the car admiring the interior. The person that I guess took me walks toward the car, and I freeze. I'm scared obviously I could be killed right here right now.
"O good to see your awake and well, like the car?" Said the still unknown person. It was dark and his face was shaded giving him a creepier vibe.
"Who are you? And why did you take me randomly?" I asked calmly.
"You know who I am, you said my name just a little while ago." He said.
"R-Rob?" I say unsteady.
"Bingo. So you remember me." he asked clearly knowing the answer.
"Of course I remember you, you were my first boyfriend."
"Bingo again! You on a roll."
"Why". I ask bluntly.
"Don't worry it's not like I'm going to kill you or rape you or anything like that. Bella you were my first love, I never got over you. Then your mum died you moved to here for God sake! I follow up on social media, and I don't like harry being around you. I wish for you guys to. you know take a brake from each other".
"What if I don't want to stay away from him. I love him". I said scared a bit.
"Well that won't work for me. You come back to Canada with me for 2 months then I will leave you alone. and you and Harry can live happily ever after".
"Can I at least tell him I'm ok. he will worry and you will be wanted for oh i don't know TAKING ME FROM MY BEDROOM AT NIGHT!!!" I yell at him enraged.
" clam yourself, I will contact a friend to contact him".
"I don't know If I can trust you".
"Well you need to". He whispered

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