Chapter 1

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Yachi's POV (This is when she is about 7)

"Pappa...Pappa you can't catch me" I say while running away. Mama, Papa, and I had just finished grocery shopping, and I was racing Pappa back home. "I'm gonna catch you" he said while my mom giggled at our childish behavior. "Just don't get hurt you too"

I was close to reaching home so I went faster, and then I heard a loud honk coming from a vehicle . Then I felt a figure push me out of the way. I look behind me and see my father laying face front in the pool of his own blood. No I thought This can't be happening, he can't actually be dead.

I quickly got up from the floor, and ran to mama with tears in my eyes. But before I could reach her she looked at me with hate in her eyes. I didn't know what happened but I knew that she wasn't that same mom I knew. "Stay away from you monster. You killed your own father... how could you?"

I tried to reach out for her but she just slapped my hand away, and went to be by dad's side leaving me there. I was too shocked to even move. All I was thinking were the same thoughts over and over again. How could something like this even happen?, How could one day change my whole life forever?

About a week later we had his funeral, it was the last day I would ever be able to see his face ever again. Mom and I where crying the whole time, and nothing would be able to make us stop. After the funeral we both went home. Mom didn't even say anything to comfort me; all she did was mutter the same exact sentence.

It's all your fault.

Yachi's POV (Present Time)
I felt a ball hit my head, and my eyes immediately fluttered symboling that I was awake. "Sorry Yachi" said Narita who accidentally hit me. "It's fine" I say with a smile that obviously is fake.

Man I can't believe that I had that dream again. It keeps haunting me, and it's like the memories are playing on loop inside my head. I felt someone shake my shoulder and I turn to see Kiyoko looking worried. "Yachi are you okay" she asks. "If you want to talk I'd be happy to listen"

I shake my head and say, "I'm fine but thank you though." In reality I wasn't fine, but I couldn't just tell her that. If she or anyone on the team found out how I felt or what happened they surely would leave me, or maybe even kick me out of the team.

I shudder at the very thought. These guys were the only ones I had left. If they left me I don't know how I would be able to cope with that. Then I heard Coach Ukai blow the whistle signaling that practice was over. I quickly went to go give everyone a water bottle and a towel. Then I went to pick up the volleyballs since Kiyoko was putting the net away.

As I bend down to pick the balls one or two would slip out of my hand, and when I went to go pick those up... even more fell. "Hey Yachi you need some help" asks the orange haired boy on the team. "It's fine Hinata" I say but he ignored it, bend down, and picked them up for me.

"Thanks" I say. "No problem." By the time we finished cleaning up everyone else was already outside. Then Tanaka yelled, "Hurry up love birds...Dachi said he'd treat us some pork buns." "PORK BUNS" Hinata screamed while running outside to make sure he got some of the delicious snack.

"You coming Yachi" he asked. I shook my head, and he looked at me confused. "Why not" he whined. "Oi boke" said Kageyama poking his head into the gym. "She doesn't have to come if she doesn't want to. Now come before we leave you dumbass." He looked hesitant but then finally left saying, "Bye Yachi"

Once he left I grabbed my stuff and started walking home. To be honest I really wanted to go with the team to get pork buns, but if I did mom would probably get angry and throw something at me. One time in Middle School I came home late, and she was furious.

She started throwing books, utensils, and anything that was in her reach in my direction. I got many bruises and a bloody nose from it. When I went to school they next day I had to make up some sort of lie explaining why I was hurt. Luckily the teachers believed it, and I really didn't have any friends at that time so none of my classmates even batted me an eye.

Mom also didn't only get violent, she also began stricter towards me. She told me that if I ever got a score less than a 90% that she beat me then kick me out for a few day. I wasn't sure if she was serious or not so I made sure to study hard so I wouldn't fail, and so far I didn't.

Once I got home I quietly opened the door, and looked inside to see if mom was home. Luckily she wasn't, but there was a note on the kitchen table.

"Listen here you mistake. I'm working an extra shift tonight at work. Eat whatever you want I really don't care, but you better not finish everything in the fridge. You better be gratefully that I'm actually being nice enough to let you stay here instead of making you live on the streets. And don't you ever forget that it was your fault that he's gone."

*Sigh* Of course she'd remind me of that. Every chance she gets she always does. I've tried talking to her many times but it didn't matter. In the end she would tell me the same thing she always told me. It's all your fault.

I decided to go take a bath. I walked into the bathroom, took my clothes off, and turned the shower on. You know maybe she is right, maybe it is my fault that this all happened. If only I didn't race him back home that day then he would still be here. And mom would still be happy, and not like this.

After I finished bathing I put a new set of clothes on, and started to dry my hair. While I was drying it at e corner of my eye I saw a razor. Mom must have accidentally left it here after shaving I thought while holding it in my hand.

I looked at the razor and then looked at my wrist. What if I- then the razor grazed over my skin making it bleed. It didn't hurt I thought as I did it again. Sure it might have stung a little bit, but it kinda felt nice.

I kept on doing it until the blood started to drip onto the carpet on the floor. Oh no I thought I have to clean this up before mom sees it. I wasn't worried that she would find out that I did this. I was more worried that it would stain the carpet, and that I would get in trouble.

I cleaned my wounds and wrapped them in bandages from our nurses kit. As soon as I finished that I cleaned the floor. Luckily it didn't stain it so that was one problem I didn't have to worry about. I probably should do that ever again I thought.

I left the bathroom and went into my room to finish up my homework. I was almost finished and I only had a few question left. After reading the questions I frowned. They were all about what mom does for work, and the problem was that I only knew vague details about what she does.

How am I going to convince her to help me I thought. Whatever....I'll figure it out in the morning. I put the homework that I finished in my backpack, and left the undone assignment on the desk. Then I hopped into my bed and instantly fell asleep.

So this is the first Chapter, and I hope you enjoyed. I sorry for making Yachi's mom the villain, but to be honest I never really liked her. In the anime Yachi's doesn't even call her mom; she calls her ma'am. So that's why. Anyways remember to vote and comment on the story.

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