Chapter 10

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Yachi's POV
I woke up the next morning full of energy. I looked at Hinata's desk and there was a volleyball clock on there. 5:45 I thought Mhh I should probably get ready for school.

I swung my legs off the sheets and looked for my uniform. After I found it I went into the bathroom to get changed. After I finished getting dressed I wiped off the foundation from my wrist and put the bandages back on.

When I finally finished everything I went downstairs and saw Hinata sleeping on the couch. I feel really bad that he had to do that because of me. Maybe I should make everyone some breakfast to thank them for letting me stay.

I mean Hinata's mom did have to work a night shift so she's probably tired from it. I went into the kitchen and made sure to be quiet so I didn't wake anyone up. I took out all the ingredients and started to cook.

Time skip: After 1 hour

Hinata's POV
I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I get off the couch and walk I to the living room expecting to see mom, instead I saw Yachi. She's making breakfast for us today: how thoughtful of her.

I'm sure she'd make a great wife one day. I wonder what it would be like if she was my wif-. I hit my head: Stupid Shōyō don't think those thoughts about her. But my mind couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like.

"Oh Hinata; I'm sorry did I wake you up" asked Yachi noticing my presence. "Nope...I woke up to the smell of fresh made pancakes. I was about to grab one from the plate, but Yachi moved them.

"Sorry Hinata you're gonna have to wait for everyone, now go get ready for school." "Okay mom" I said sarcastically and I went upstairs and into my room to get ready. After I finished I when into Natsu's room and woke her up also.

At first she just ignored me, but the second I said Yachi was calling her jumped out of her bed and went downstairs. *Sigh* I guess I'll wake up mom now. I went into her room and saw that she was sleeping soundly. You know what....I'll just let her sleep, plus she doesn't have to work since she took a night shift yesterday.

I went back down stairs and told Yachi that my mom wouldn't be joining us. She said it was okay and we all ate. And let me tell you those were the best pancakes I ever ate. They were so fluffy and soft, and with the syrup. I practically inhaled it, and so did Natsu.

After we finished me and Yachi went outside, both got on the bike, and I rode the both of us to school. When we got there I saw Kageyama at the front of the school looking like he was waiting for someone.

It's probably about the plan I though. I stopped at little farther from the school entrance so she didn't see him, and she got off and went to class without even questioning. I put my bike away and met up with Kageyama.

"Idiot what took you so long" he asked. "It's not my fault you just came way too early." "Whatever...Yachi had some other after school activity today, I'm pretty sure it's 10 minutes after practice ends so we'll confront her there."

"Right" I say then the bell rang signing that we had to go. "Don't forget boke" he screamed at me before leaving. "I won't" I scream back. "I won't what" asked a person behind me. I jumped up and looked behind me to only see Tanaka.

"Woah man chill...are you okay" he asked. "I'm fine you just startled me." "Are you know you've been acting really weird." "It's nothing" I say and then run as fast as I can to class.

After class and Practice (I know big time skip)

I said bye to everyone and went to go get Yachi. Kageyama pretended to go home so nobody would be suspicious. He's actually hiding behind a bush right now, I can just imagine how stupid he probably looking right now.

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