❥ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ

683 23 7

it's okay to feel sad sometimes.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

❪ third pov. ❫

she honestly didn't know where she was. she didn't mean to go far. she just wanted to be alone.

she wanted to take a walk and ended up going far off of where she planned to go.

sitting on the dirty ground, y/n looked around and tried to remember where she had come from.

tried to calm herself down and focus on the one thing that mattered. getting home.

but she didn't know where to go.

everything around her looked the same. the trees surrounded her towering over her small frame as she stood and began to walk to the left. she moved her eyes from left to right, trying to see if something popped out at her. nothing did.

y/n hugged herself and looked down, accepting the fact that she had gotten lost and she didn't know where she should go to get back home.

y/n continued on forward, worried that since it would be dark soon, it would be even harder to try and make her way home.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

it took around thirty minutes until she found a clearing.

more of a road actually.

y/n groans softly, looking to the left and then right.

a car flew past her and she gasped, stepping back.


she rolled her eyes and turned to the left and began walking.

after ten minutes of walking a car pulled up next to her, and rolled down their window.

it was a lady, she looked familiar and instead of listening to what the lady asked her, she tried to see if she knew this person from somewhere.

"excuse me?"

y/n blinks and looks at the lady,

"uh... yes?"

"i-i asked if you needed a ride home?"


y/n looked to where she was walking and then back at the lady, hugging herself, she contemplated for a moment.

"uhm... sure..."

the lady smiled and nods,

"well get in then!"

y/n nods quickly, and goes to the other side of the car, getting in.

closing the door, she sighs, and pulls on her seatbelt.

"miss, you look oddly familiar."

"oh? well, good, glad to see you haven't forgotten me."

y/n blinks, and stares at the lady, and then it clicked.


Helen hums softly, and nods,

"yes, yes, it's me."

"what are you doing here?"

"well, i wanted to see how you were doing, and i couldn't find you anywhere, so i went searching around, and there you were! why were you there?"

"i dunno... i decided to take a walk and got lost i guess..."

"hm... well, let me take you home. anyways, how are you, darling?"

"im okay..."

"something happen?"

"i mean, do you think it was best for me to come back?"

Helen stayed silent, and frowned slightly.

y/n looks down at her lap,

"maybe, i shouldn't have come back."

"are you thinking of... coming back?"

y/n hums, and shrinks down into the seat,

"i don't know..."

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

contemplating on deleting this story and the first one because the first one was a piece of shit with problems all over the place ://

don't @ me for deleting books n shit im a complicated person with a terrible mind set who overthinks 100% of the time so like ://

this story isn't gonna be too long as well, basically a few more chapters left, im thinking about... maybe... between three and five chapters.

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