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Pavel was nervous. Could he do this? What would Dome think about this? He has thought over every senerio in his mind but he knows what he wants and all he wants is Dome for the rest of their lives . Pavel talked with both his and Domes parents and they were in agreement with Pavel. 'LETS DO THIS ' Pavel said.

2 months prior..

Pavel and his parents along with Domes and Mew and Gulf were sitting in Pavel and Dome shared condo.

"Ok guys I'll lay it on the line. I love Dome and he loves me so what i would like to ask for Domes hand in marriage.

Domes and Pavel's parents looked to one another. Pavel started to get nervous. "Son do you make each other happy?" Pavels dad asked.
"Yes dad we do" Pavel stated.
"Then you have our blessing son" Domes dad responded.
"I would like to marry you guys if thats ok" Mew spoke up. You know I'm ordained minister"
Pavel smile " I would love that."

Back to the present Pavel was scared out of his mind hopeing not to be rejected.
Dome was brought to the family resort by Ben and Earth where everyone was waiting. Every thing was set up.
Dome walked in to the villa they all stayed at lit by candles and soft music playing. On the wall there were pictures from over the years playing on it. Dome looked at the whole place mesmerized. His eyes were teary.
"Baby" Pavel sarted " I love you and have loved more and more. I know we have had our ups and downs. Our good days and our bad days. But with you by my side I know we can concur anything that comes our way. The next step I want to take with you is to be with you for the rest of my life"
Pavel got down to one knee.
"Will you please do me the honor of marrying me and being my husband?
Dome looked to his friends and family they were holding their breath waiting for his answer.
"Yes a thousands times yes" Dome replied and grabbed Pavels face and kissed him.
"Save it for the wedding night boys" Mew chuckle.

4 months later.

Pavel and Dome were getting ready to walk down the aisle. Mew standing at the alter waiting for the groom's. Domes best men  Nine, Earth and Gulf were standing beside him and next to Pavel was Ben,Joong And Pavels annoying cousin llong. llong whined until the guys threw thier hands up in defeat.
"We are gathered here to witness these two young men become one. If anyone has a reason why this should not happen speak now or forever hold your peace" Mew stated.
After saying their vows it was the closing moment.
"I give you husband and husband. You may now 💋." Everyone cheered as Pavel and Dome kissed deeply.
Pavel and Dome cut the cake and made a mess of each other. Each of their friends said something to them.
Mew stood up.
" I dedicate this song to the newly weds. "

Mew then sang his new song Seasons of you.

They all danced and partied till the wee morning hours.

Pavel and Dome went to the honeymoon suite that their parents had arrange with all the wedding gifts.

Pavel and Dome were looking threw them just glancing when one caught their eye. It was a big box from Mew and Gulf.
They open the card to read

"I hope you continue to love and be kind to one another. The road you have chosen will not be easy however if you fight together you will make it. We love you and wish you the best. "    Love Mew and Gulf.
"Ps Gulf , Earth and Nine got you guys a special wedding gift. Enjoy.

Dome ripped open the box and Pavels eye went wide. Inside the box were all kinds of items that made Dome shreek with joy.
Dome looked to Pavel who was texting on his phone fast.

Mass message to everyone.
"If I don't make it out alive just know I went down in a blaze of glory with a smile on my face so big it would cover the world."

"Are you ready Baby?" Pavel asked ..
Dome cracked the whip" Strip and get your ass on that bed. Pavel did what he was told and both guys went round after round till they passed out.

The next morning Pavel woke first to look at his husband with a smile.
He kissed his lips till Dome woke up.
"Morning sexy. Hungry?" Pavel asked
Dome nodded. " I'm pretty sure you did break my ass last night.

"Your fault with the teasing and all the toys you just had to try in one night baby. I'll go get you some meds and food." Pavel told him and gave him a peck leaving.

Pavel came back with food and meds they finished their breakfast and Pavel carried Dome to get a bath in the large tub. Kissing and holding each other just enjoying the moment. Pavel the carried Dome to the chair while he changed the sheets and put on fresh linens.
"So what would you like to do today?" Pavel asked.

"Sleep sounds really good." Dome laughed.
Pavel nodded his head. No rush they had 2 weeks. 

Pavel looked to Dome and kissed him deeply .
"I've waited for you my love"

And thats a wrap. Thanks to those who read ,vote and comment. Everyone stay safe.  I may do some short shots or something not sure yet. 

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