Chapter 8

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The next morning both guys woke up Dome was sore. Pavel went to get him some pain relief. Pavel phone was going off and he went to check it.
"The guys will be here around noon" Pavel told Dome.
"Ok I'm hungry" Dome said
" Are you sure you are ready for another round? You are still sore from last night" Pavel smirked.
"Food dammit Pavel" Dome told him.
Pavel came over and kissed Dome deep and told him to rest and he would make breakfast.
Dome was sore but he felt good too. He was worried about today and what his friends would think or say. A few minutes later Pavel returned with some food. They both are and went to shower together. Both soaking each other while giving kisses to one another.
After their shower, they went to sit on the deck they were holding hands and kissing each other.
They were talking about what to tell the guys or how to approach them about it. Soon the bell was being rung.
" Time to find out"Pavel told Dome. Then giving Dome a big kiss they went to answer the door.
"Hey hey guys" Ben said as all their friends came in.
Ben looked to Pavel and Dome.
" Everything ok here" Ben asked
" Yeah we are fine" Pavel said looking to Dome.
Ben could tell something was up but left it alone. Pavel showed the guys to the rooms. Ben and Earth decided to take one room and Joong and Nine took the other. Nine and Joong weren't talking to each other for the moment. Ben said they were fighting over a video Nine posted. Pavel laughed.

"Guys do you want to eat or go swimming first" Pavel asked.
"EAT" was everyone's response.
Pavel started the grill and Dome was in the kitchen. Ben went to Pavel to help him.
"So want to tell me what's going on?" Ben asked.
" Not right now " Pavel told him. Ben just nodded.
Nine went to the kitchen with Earth.
" Dome are you ok? Your walking with a limp." Dome blushed but told them he slept wrong last night.
After every one finished their meal they were sitting on the patio drinking and talking. Nine and Joong were talking again.
" Guys we want to talk to you. Please have a open mind and don't be mad or hate us" Pavel started.
All the guys agreed
Pavel looked to Dome and Dome nodded.
"As you know Dome and I are close" Pavel started. " Recently Dome and I kinda had a fight long story short we came here and talked through it"
Everyone still looked to both of them.
" What I'm about to say next May surprise you but you guys are our friends and we want your support" Pavel continued.
" Dome and I are now dating." Pavel took Domes hand in his
Their friends looked at each other and smiled.
Ben started " Um their is something I need to say also. Earth and I are also dating."
Nine and Joong looked at their friends.
Ben, Earth,Pavel and Dome looked at each other then back to Nine and Joong.
Joong started " I asked Nine but he won't give me a straight answer." Joong hung his head. After a moment Joong left without saying a word. Earth and Dome followed him while Ben and Pavel sit with Nine.
"Do you like him like that?" Pavel asked Nine as Ben looked on.
" I'm scared " Was all Nine could say.
Pavel and Ben nodded their heads.
" We will support what ever you decide." Then the three of them hugged.

Joong was sitting on the porch when Dome and Earth met up with him.
" I love him" was all Joong said.
He lowered his head and a few tears escaped.
Dome and Earth hugged Joong.
" Can I be alone please" Joong asked.
Both guys nodded saying if he needed them to call.
Joong nodded.

Earth and Dome went back to the party and sit beside their boyfriend.
" Where's Joong asked Nine when he seen that he wasnt with them.
" He's on the front porch. Wanted to be left alone. He's upset." Dome replied.
Nine excused himself to go talk to him.
Nine found him sitting on the porch. He could tell he was crying.
"Joong" Nine said.

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