Chapter 15

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Morning came and the guys were sitting around tables that had been set up by the resort at the request of Pavel. Everyone was eating and talking about different things.
"So whats on the agenda for today?" Ben asked.
" You will have to wait and see" Pavel responded with a smirk.

A few hours later everyone was sitting at the compound between their private villa when Pavel started to talk. "So you maybe wondering what we have planed today. Well first we are going scuba diving  then we are having a luau on the beach." All everyone was in aww . Suddenly everyone's phones went off with a warning.


Everyone was going to the resorts bunker. There's wasn't a lot of guest mostly live on staff and Pavel company. Once everyone was inside and the door shut and locked everyone was wondering how long it would last and what would happen. The bunker itself would with stand anything but they was still worried.

They could hear the wind and rain pounding outside the door. But all they could do is wait..wait and pray..

Suddenly they heard someone screaming for help and a pounding on the door. Dome rushed to the door to unlock it and grabbed the man on the other side. As he was sitting the door back a piece of wood came barreling in and hitting him knocking him out.

"DOME"  Pavel shouted as he ran to him with everyone behind him.

Mew looked at the wound and started to clean it up with the first aid kit there. Everyone was looking on as Dome slowly came to.

"Who are you?" Dome asked.
Every one looked to each other in shock. Pavel went to hold Domes hand and Dome jerked it back.
" Why are you touching me? Who are you? Where am I?" Dome asked.

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