{Chapter 2}

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{Chapter 2}

She didn't really feel like going out, but her father insisted that she leave the house, as it could help jog her memories. So she did, and soon after, she had already reached the village's market.

The smell of fresh delicacies immediately invaded her nostrils. It was really a shame, she thought, that she couldn't remember what any of these tasted like. Or maybe it was a blessing in disguise, she thought, as she quickly detected the smell of freshly cooked ramen.

What better time to eat than now?

She quickly followed the delicious smell to a small venue called "Ichiraku Ramen". It didn't ring any bells, but that didn't matter. Maybe she'd be able to taste this wonderful meal as if it were the very first time.

"But if it isn't Hinata!" A young woman said with surprise as soon as she saw her walk in and take a seat. "I'm surprised to see you so soon. We heard about the accident."

"You did?" Hinata frowned. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but... Do I know you?"

The lady chuckled. "Of course you do. I'm Ayame, remember?"

"Sorry... I don't."

"That's alright. Sakura told us about the memory thing," Ayame said, making Hinata sigh sadly.

"It's really frustrating, not remembering anything about my life."

"You know what would make you feel better?" Ayame smiled brightly. "Your favorite meal!"

"I have a favorite meal?"

"Of course you do! And don't worry: today, it's on the house."

"I don't know what to say..." Hinata felt herself blush, feeling rather touched. "Thank you."

"No problem! It's the least we can do for our resident Queen of Gluttony!"

"Queen of what?" Hinata asked, but she never got an answer, as Ayame disappeared into the back of the kitchen.

Just as Hinata was starting to enjoy the smell of the food being cooked inside the kitchen, she was suddenly startled when someone unexpectedly sat next to her. She turned to look at the mysterious stranger, and immediately noticed that he hadn't come here alone.


"Uh... Do we know each other?"

"Oh right, the memory thing. I almost forgot. I'm Kiba, you know... Your teammate and old pal?" He said, smiling at her.

"Don't pressure her, Kiba," the girl who accompanied him said. She had brown hair fixed into two buns and brown eyes, and overall seemed like a really beautiful girl to Hinata. "Remember what Sakura said about her mind being really delicate right now."

"I know, but I'm like, her best friend," Kiba groaned a complaint. "She should be able to remember me soon."

"Best friend?"

"Ignore him, Hinata. Anyway... I'm glad to see that you are better."

"Thanks. Uh... sorry to be rude, but... You are?"

The girl simply chuckled and shook her head. "Don't worry, I fully understand. I'm Tenten. I'm your friend."

Hinata simply nodded, but before she could say anything else, Ayame hurried from behind the counter and laid a huge bowl of ramen in front of her. She raised an eyebrow, curious about her supposed favorite meal.

"One Miso Tonkotsu!" Ayame said, before gasping and shaking her head disapprovingly. "I can't believe I forgot!"

She disappeared once again into the kitchen, before returning with a bowl of freshly made narutomaki slices. Ayame carefully placed one of the slices over her ramen, making her frown.

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