{Chapter 4}

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{Chapter 4}

Hinata wasn't really sure at first, but after his insistence, she had no choice but to cave in and go out with him for a walk. Naruto was his name. Or so he had told her, after he had gotten to her house early that morning, and after he'd asked-more like demanded-to see her.

She still felt weird about going out with someone who wasn't her supposed boyfriend, but seeing how this person was yet to show his face around town, she decided that there was nothing wrong with hanging out with a friend. According to Hanabi, they did know each other anyways, so she didn't see the harm in accepting his invitation, given how she still felt guilty about knocking him out a few days ago.

Besides, she really liked Naruto. He was ridiculously goofy and sweet, and even though his jokes weren't that funny, she couldn't help but laugh along regardless once she noticed how happy it made him to be able to retell them to her since she couldn't remember. She could clearly see how the two of them had been friends at some point.

"Naruto, can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"You and I... We know each other. Don't we?"


"How long have we known each other?"

Naruto frowned, seemingly lost in thought. "Woah... I guess I never really thought of that. I'd guess... All of our lives? Ever since I can remember, anyway."

Hinata felt herself flush. So Naruto wasn't just a good friend of hers: he apparently was also one of her oldest friends, and yet, she couldn't remember him at all. Not only that, but she'd sent him to the hospital by accident.

"Hey, you're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"Playing with your hands nervously like you do when you feel bad about something," Naruto noted, and sure enough, her pale eyes glanced down to find herself fidgeting without even noticing it before. "If you feel bad about yesterday, don't. I already told you: I'm fine."

"I know, but I hit you pretty hard-"

Naruto chuckled. "Trust me, it takes a lot more than a punch to take me down. Kurama makes damn sure of that."

Hinata gave him a grateful smile. She had no idea of who Kurama was, but she sure was thankful for his aiding Naruto. She suddenly noticed that they were being approached by Ino and a few other boys she couldn't recognize.

"Hinata! Naruto!" Ino greeted them with a smile. Hinata remembered her from the hospital, but she seemed a lot more relaxed now.

She studied the boys that had accompanied her. There was one with a ponytail and an irritated look, one with a ridiculous haircut that she made a mental note not to mention to not me rude, one who was forcing the fakest smile she'd ever seen, one wearing a pair of sunglasses and the last one was chomping loudly on some potato chips. There was something strangely familiar about them, as if she'd seen them before: but she could remember nothing, once again.

The boy in the ponytail picked up on that, however, as he groaned with annoyance but smiled at her. "Hey, Hinata. Glad to see you're doing better."

"Thanks! Uh-"

"It's alright. Ino filled us in," he replied. "Sorry about your memory. I'm sure it'll come back."

"Hinata, this here is Shikamaru," Ino quickly introduced them, as soon as she realized the look on confusion on her face. "These other idiots are Rock Lee, Sai, Shino and Choji."

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