{Chapter 12}

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{Chapter 12}

Some days had passed. Each day, Hinata grew to understand more and more about herself, as many of her memories slowly returned. Ever since that first memory of her cousin, Neji, had returned to her, many others had followed.

Now, she was able to remember most of her family, and a few days ago, she even managed to remember glimpses of her time fighting in Team Kurenai, along her friends Shino and Kiba. She also had slight recollections of her fun times growing up with her girl friends, among them, Ino, Tenten and Sakura, the girl who was also her physician. For the first time in a very long time, Naruto could see small glimpses of the girl Hinata used to be. But it didn't exactly make him feel happy. If anything, he felt uneasy.

Sure, it was a good sign that Hinata was recovering most of her memories, and it certainly made training easier. But the more names Hinata was able to remember, the more she slowly drifted back to her old self... The less Naruto believed that she would remember him. After all, she was his girlfriend. One would expect that he would've been the first thing on her mind when she got her memories back. "Be patient," Sakura had said. But Naruto had never been a patient person, and it was hard not to show his growing concern over their situation.

"Sakura said that I should look up old family pictures to try and trigger my memory a bit more," Hinata continued explaining, as she ate the ramen before her cheerfully. It was only now that Naruto had realized that he had once again zoned out of the conversation.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good plan," he tried, but as much as he attempted it not to sound as disinterested, his words couldn't have come out with a colder tone.

"Is everything alright?"

"Uh... Yeah. Why?"

"Well... You haven't eaten any of your ramen, even though it's been sitting in front of you for the last thirty minutes," Hinata replied, frowning with worry. "Naruto... Is there something bothering you?"

"It's nothing, really. It's..." He knew better than to try to lie to her. The second his eyes landed on her pale eyes, he knew he wouldn't be able to lie to her face. Hinata had a strange way of getting the truth out of him, no matter how hard he tried to keep something from her. "I guess I'm just a little sad that you haven't remembered me at all yet."

"Oh. Maybe I'll remember you soon enough, you know, given how I seem to be recovering a lot of my memories," Hinata tried to reassure him. "Besides, we have so much fun together I think it's only a matter of time before I can remember you!"

"I really love spending time with you, too, but... Hinata... You have remembered pretty much everyone we know by now. I know Sakura says that you may still remember more, but honestly... If you were going to remember me at all, I think you would've by now."

"That's not entirely true, Naruto. I have only remembered some people, namely, close friends and family," Hinata retorted. "There's so much I still don't know..."

"The thing is... I'm your boyfriend. Not some random guy you know," Naruto replied, slowly standing up and pushing the ramen bowl aside. "I guess that's what hurts the most. If it had been me who lost my memories, there's no doubt in my heart that you'd be the first person I'd remember."

"That's not fair," at this point, Hinata had also stood up and narrowed her eyes at him with visible hurt in her face. "Don't you think I want to remember you more than anything? I didn't choose any of this."

"Look, I'm glad you're starting to remember, I really am. But this... Being with you, knowing you don't remember who I am at all or everything we've been through together... It hurts way too much."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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