{Chapter 6}

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{Chapter 6}

"Sakura?" Naruto was undoubtedly surprised to find the pinkette sitting there. No more than he had been initially surprised by her suggesting they met up at Ichiraku's in the first place.

"Naruto. Come sit," Sakura said, gesturing to the seat beside her with her characteristic friendly smile. It made him slightly uneasy; sure, Sakura gave that friendly smile to everyone, but rarely to him. He immediately knew something must be up.

"Uh... Sure," he decided to do as she asked, wisely avoiding any conflict before it actually happened. "What's up?"

"Well... I don't really know how to tell you this without making it sound weird."

"Why would it be weird?"

"Because I need to talk to you about Hinata," Sakura finally said, making Naruto's blue orbs widen in surprise.

"Is she alright?"

"That's the thing. I'm not sure," Sakura finally sighed. "You better order something."

After both of them order themselves a fresh bowl of ramen and quickly got served, Naruto wasn't even sure if he was hungry anymore. The previous mention of Hinata had been enough to make his stomach churn, especially after the events of earlier that day. The terrified look on her face was something Naruto wasn't sure he'd ever be able to erase from his mind, the feeling of his heart breaking when he realized he had made her cry.

"I really am sorry. I never... You know I'd never hurt her, Sakura."

"I'm sure you didn't mean to scare her. Knowing you, that was your stupid way of trying to help her," Sakura retorted, rolling her eyes playfully. Naruto felt slightly relieved that Sakura wasn't still mad about what happened before. He only hoped Hinata would be as forgiving. "What I don't understand is why you came up with that idiotic idea."

"It was Bushy Brows' suggestion. Shikamaru said—"

"Shikamaru is a brilliant mind, Naruto, but not when it comes to girls. In the future, if you have any questions in that department, please, don't go to the boys. Ask me or Ino."


"Anyways... That's actually not why I wanted to talk to you," Sakura said. Naruto raised an eyebrow, wondering what that could be about. "Hinata told me something today. She said she remembered something."

Naruto almost choked on his ramen the minute he heard the news. "For real?"

"Of course, for real!" Sakura retorted, rolling her eyes. "However... It wasn't much."

"Well, even a little can mean a lot, right? I mean... Now we know that it is possible for her to get her memories back at some point," Naruto said, unable to contain the smile forming on his face. Sakura nodded, but didn't seem as enthusiastic, much to his surprise.

"I guess so. But... There's something else you should know," Sakura's emerald eyes met his, but he could tell that she felt highly uncomfortable telling him this. "The person she remembered... It was actually Sasuke."

He had to be honest. Hearing Sasuke's name right then, felt like a slap to the face. He would've expected to hear anyone else's name. Hiashi's. Hanabi's. Hell, even hearing Neji's name would've made more sense. But Sasuke? That made so little sense, it felt almost insulting. However, he knew he had to at least pretend that it didn't bother him as much as it did.

"Naruto... She can't control who she remembers," Sakura warned him, probably able to read his annoyed expression. "You can't be upset about this."

Oh, of course he could be upset. This must be some kind of twisted joke. Even now, when Sasuke and him were friends again, even after everything he'd gone through and all the amazing things he'd accomplished... Sometimes he felt like that little insecure twelve-year-old whose only goal was to be Hokage and beat Sasuke Uchiha at, well, everything.

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