{Chapter 5}

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{Chapter 5}

"I'm not really sure about this," Hinata mumbled, as she and Naruto, while being watched by Shikamaru, Rock Lee and Tenten, sparred each other.

"Come on, you're doing great," Naruto assured her, as she blocked yet another one of his hits with ease. "See? You're a natural."

"That's because you're literally telling me before you're going to hit me."

"Am I?"

"You yell right before you attack, Naruto," Hinata retorted with a smile, making him smile with slight embarrassment.

"Oh. Sorry. I guess I'm used to it."

"Can we take a break?" Hinata said, making him sigh and nod.


She nodded back gratefully and headed to where Tenten was standing, as she drank some water and started talking with the brunette. Naruto then walked towards his other two friends, Lee and Shikamaru, while pushing his blond hair back with frustration.

She should have gotten something by now. According to Shikamaru, training should have brought back something, anything. But they had been at this for hours, and there had been no signs of her memories coming back at all. Naruto had really hoped that this worked, because he had no other options left. However, Hinata appeared as clueless as before, and if he hadn't met her before, he would have never believed this girl was a ninja before at all.

"Hey, don't give up yet," Shikamaru told him, as he noticed his sad look.

"I'm not giving up. But things really seem discouraging. She still has no idea of who I am."

"Maybe this isn't the right level," Lee observed, making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Hinata is one of the strongest kunoichi in the village. This training was meant for beginners, and we all know that she's way past that stage."

"So are you suggesting we're going too soft on her?" Shikamaru asked, sounding intrigued.

"Maybe facing a real challenge will help motivate her!"

"She did activate her byakugan after I scared her the other day. She probably thought she was in real danger," Naruto noted thoughtfully.

"Alright, then. Turn up the difficulty, but don't go too hard on her, okay?"

"I would never!"

"For some reason, I don't believe that."

Naruto then walked back to Hinata, who seemed a bit rested, as she acquired a fighting stance once again. They started it once again, however, this time, Naruto was trying his best to catch her off-guard, which was slightly challenging, because she was starting to become really good at dodging his attacks.

He was starting to think that Hinata was getting the hang of this, which was the reason he decided to try to up the difficulty level of the training session. Extending his hand, he summoned his trademark Rasengan, as he managed to successfully corner Hinata against a tree. Her pale eyes widened immensely at the sight of the bright chakra orb, but that didn't stop him from going through with it. He had to up the level, right?

"NARUTO, WAIT—" by the time Shikamaru's voice was registered by Naruto, his hand was already resting on the tree behind Hinata, who had tears flooding her cheeks.

The look on Hinata's face was something Naruto would never forget. He would have preferred for her to yell at him, to hit him back, heck, he would've even preferred the same blank expression she'd been giving him ever since the whole amnesia thing started.

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