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JUNE RHEE HAS WHAT YOU CALL ' THE DREAM LIFE '. Wealth, an affectionate family, good friends. You name it she probably has.

She's what you would call a kook, but at heart, June was always a pogue. Her best friends are John B, JJ, Pope and Kiara or Kie as they call her, anywhere you saw her she was with the group either surfing, out on their boat HMS Pogue or making mischief.
   June would always think she was a daredevil and a troublemaker but, she was really just an over thinker who wanted to be like that, she did cause mischief but it normally wasn't her to carry out the plan by herself; someone would always be with her. She was very energetic extrovert that would do anything for her friends.


"Thats what, a three-story fall to the deck."

"I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

June slightly giggled as her feet dangled off the edge of where she was sitting, she looked up to see John B testing which way the wind was blowing. "I don't think that works bud but okay." She spoke just loud enough for him to hear.

"Should I do it?" John B asks as June rolled her eyes at his stupidity.

"Yeah, you should jump." A voice spoke from down below her.

"Seriously guys." June tried to speak but got cut off by the voice down below, Pope.

"I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope said as he pointed a drill at John B like it was a gun, John raises his hand and makes a finger gun.

"You're gonna shoot me?" He questions.

"Yep—" Pope replied as John B imitates a gun noise. "—Pew pew!"

June gets up and jumps down onto the deck foundation of the building, once she gets down the brown-headed girl looks up at John B and Pope and sighs. "Very mature you guys." June says while looking around for the other girl, Kiara.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie comes out of the building as she spoke, June couldn't help but laugh at the girl's comment.

"Of course. Why wouldn't they?" One of the boys said as everyone's attention turns to Kiara.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" June walked over to Pope as Kiara rants.

"I can't have cold towels." JJ spoke earning a quick look from Kie as she looked up at John B

"Agreed." June said agreeing to JJ's statement.

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kiara said as everyone's attention went on John B looking like he was about to try jump.

"Can you please kill yourself?" June jokingly said as the two boys laughed earning an offended look from John B.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ spoke as he looked up at John B before taking a drink out of his can. John B being the idiot he is, his beer came flying down hitting the deck spilling everywhere.

"Whoa! Oh shit!" John B exclaimed in shock, it must've just slipped out of his hand.

"Of course you did! Right when I told you not too." JJ said.

"Ugh no!" John B groaned in annoyance as he looked down at his can.

"Dumbass." Kie muttered so only she and June could hear it.

"Total dumbass." June added earning a light chuckle from Kiara.

The fun was soon interrupted by security.

"Hey, uh security's here." Pope said caught off guard.

"Boys are early today" Jj said from above. "Humpty dumpty, lets roll!" JJ exclaims as he jumps down to where June is.

"Let's go boys and girl." Kiara said as she turned to June who had a grin on her face, she loved situations like these because it got her all hyped up.

"Gary is that you!?" The blond-haired boy shouts looking at the security guard. "Gary good to see you, man!" He shouted again.

June ran behind Kiara as everyone ran to the nearest exit to the building, they all laughed in excitement.

"Hey, stop!" June heard Gary shout as they turned the corner into another room. The group split ways and June ended up with JJ, she ran in front of him just in time before Gary tried to grab her.

"Not much of a hugger man!" JJ shouted from behind, the young girl couldn't help but laugh as she ran outside met by Pope. "Go Pope!" "Go,go,go,go,go,go!" The blond And brown shout as they are met by a fence. June and JJ effortlessly jump over the wooden fence but Pope fails and falls on his way over.

"Get up Pope, fatso's coming." JJ stops quickly to tap Pope on his shoulder then runs off again.

"Hey!" Another guard shouts from behind the fence.
"Come here, you little pricks!" He shouts at them as he stops due to the fence, June couldn't help but laugh and scream excitedly as the blood rushed through her veins.

The van shows up and June leaps in out of breath giggling from the excitement, she looks turns around to see if the boys were close. "Come on boys!" Kie shouts.

"Whoo!" June says smiling as the two boys leap into the van, John B puts his foot down on the peddle as Gary runs up to the van.

"Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise!" Pope exclaims as JJ hypes up the man.

"Come on Gary!" June laughed as Kiara tried to get JJ to stop.

"You're so close! You can do it." JJ leans out of the van with a beer in his hand soon throwing it at him.

"JJ, stop. Stop." Kie ends the fun getting JJ to stop.

"Oh come on. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished!" JJ makes a statement as Kie looks at him.

"Whoo!" June shouts letting the excitement fade away.

"We need to do that more often dude." June spoke.

"Agreed" The group all said at once earning a slight giggle from her.


𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 , s. cameronWhere stories live. Discover now