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"Double overhead?"

"Even better!"

"Do you even know what we're talking about?"

"Nope and that's what makes it better!"

"I swear to god June."

The sky was black and the thunder was rumbling, the ocean waves were fierce as ever. It wasn't the time to surf due to the hurricane but they were pogues. It's basically a tradition to surf the surge, for June anyways.

"Those aren't surfable waves guys." Pope concernedly spoke.

June and John B laughed and looked at Pope. "Says who?"

June loved taking risks and would always do stuff like this without thinking about the consequences.
"Let's go!" June ran down the sandy hill screaming in excitement.

The waves were no match for them but they didn't care.

June was getting tackled by the harsh waves while John B kept falling off his surfboard. "Woah!" June turned around to notice John B falling into the water as the big wave overtook him. June laughed, maybe they weren't surfable waves after all.

The brown-headed girl looked up to see a boat sailing through the water... Why out in this weather? She saw John B looking in the same direction, he must've seen it too.


The sun shined through her curtains, the light hitting her face as she awoke from her deep sleep.
     A day after a hurricane is a free day, and today's the day. The girl got out of bed and got ready for a long day ahead of her.

June walked downstairs to her empty lounge and kitchen.  Her parents were away for a few weeks so she had the house to herself.
  "Good morning to me." The young girl spoke, her voice echoed throughout the building.
Her bear-feet touched the cool tile surface as she strolled into the kitchen to make a morning coffee, June's head turned around to gaze out a window from the kitchen. She soon sat down on a barstool as her mind wondered.

Agatha really did some work, we're gonna be cleaning this all summer dude.             


"Oh top o' the mornin' to ya." The two girls were met by the boys on their HMS Pogue, June gave a smile as they pulled up by the dock.

"Morning boys." June took JJ's hand as he helped her get into the boat.

"Why thank you, sir." June jokingly said getting a bow from JJ.

"You're welcome, ma'am." He spoke in response, June chuckled as Kiara hopped into the boat.
"What do you got?" JJ looked at Kie as she sat down opening her cooler she took with her.

"Oh, you know just some yogurts and carrot-sticks.." Kiara's words became just a blur as June zoned out getting lost in her wonder again.

"Hey, June to earth!" June snapped out of her wonder by Pope waving his hand in front of her face.

"Oh...Oh sorry" She let out a light chuckle pretending she wasn't overthinking about something.

"Bet you can't do this," JJ spoke grabbing his beer and stood up.

"Let me show you a party trick."



"Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster?"

"We've tried this like 6,000 times." John B rolls his eyes, maybe he was right but JJ wouldn't give up, the blond-haired boy walks over to the front of the boat and lifts up his beer trying to get it to aim in his mouth.

"You're getting it in my hair!" Kie shouts while shielding herself from JJ's beer.

"Come on bro, I just washed my hair!" June adds earning a smirk from him while the beer flies everywhere.

The boat suddenly stops and everyone gets flung on top one-another.    

   "Ow... Y'all good?" June groaned sitting back up.

"Yeah." The group spoke, June scratched the back of her neck.

"Sorry Kie, funny landing I guess." The young girl mumbled, she landed on top of Kiara and most likely made her twist her wrist. Kie gave her a soft look and shook her head.

  "It's fine J, it wasn't your fault." June smiled at her words, she always apologised even if she didn't do anything.

"Where's JJ?"

"Over here, guys!"

"Oh god JJ! You good?!"

"I think my heels touched the back of my head.." He groaned June let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the small girl reached out her hand for him to take, and so he did.
  "I saved the beer though," JJ said as he took her hand and got pulled back into the HMS pogue.

"At least you're alive."

"I kinda wished he weren't."

"Woah, rude much."

"You'll most likely kill yourself by probably walking off the boat."


"Guys look, there's a boat down there."

"Just speaking facts."



"There's a boat down there."

"No way dude, not possible... Right?"

"Oh my god... A boat."


𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 , s. cameronWhere stories live. Discover now