"Royal" part 18

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We started eating. He told me about when he was a kid and so did I . He felt bad for me because I lost my parents. He is really cute. "Tomorrow we are going to my grandparents ", I said. "Are they nice?", he asked. I nodded. "They are the best", I said. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He had a computer with him. "We can watch netflix if you want", he said. I nodded and we decided to watch Once Upon A Time. This was the best day of my life.

Emily pov.
They are so cute together! Marcus and me helped him a bit but still. I'm glad they are okay again. When they were done Marcus and me went on a date. We watched a movie together and ate some popcorn. I really love him. We had a dinner with everybody at the garden. When we were done he asked me to get up and he sat down on one knee. He was holding a box. He was proposing! I almost started crying. "Since the day i saw you I fell in love with you, I got to know you and I am so happy to be with you. I love you, Emily will you marry me?", he asked. He opened a box with a beautiful ring.

"Of course!", I almost screamed and he putted the ring on my finger

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"Of course!", I almost screamed and he putted the ring on my finger. He stood up and we kissed. Everybody started clapping. "Congrats!", everybody said. I was so happy! After diner we went to our room and we started making out. "I love you so much", I said. He smiled and blushed.

Marcus pov.
I did it! I proposed and she said yes! I'm so happy. We made out in her room and went to sleep after it. It's gonna be busy the next weeks because we need to organise our wedding. Tomorrow we will go to her family first.

The next morning
We got up and we started getting ready to go to her family. We were both so happy. I chose a dress for her and she chose my suit.

 I chose a dress for her and she chose my suit

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We went for breakfast and after that we left to their family

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We went for breakfast and after that we left to their family. Their castle was only 30 minutes away.

Martinus pov.
I'm so proud of Marcus! He proposed! I'm gonna promise in a few days. Today we are going to their family. Layla was wearing this:

 Layla was wearing this:

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And I was wearing this:

We had breakfast and then we went to their family

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We had breakfast and then we went to their family.

Emily pov.
We are on our way to my grandparents. I can't wait to tell show them I will marry Marcus. After a 30 minutes drive in our limousine we got there. Boy my mom's and Dad's parents were waiting for us. We got out and I hugged them. Marcus waited for me. "Grandma? Grandpa? This is Marcus", I said. They hugged him to. My grandma picked my hand and looked at it. "Are you getting married?!", she asked enthousiast. I smiled. "Yeah with Marcus", I said and I kissed him on the cheek.

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