"Royal" Part 19

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My grandma was so happy. She hugged him again. It's very funny. "Congrats!", my both grandparents said. They are the best, like I said. Their castle is bigger then ours because both of our grandparents live together. We went to the veranda and we got tea. I didn't leave Marcus' side. So did Layla with Martinus. I can't wait until he proposes to her! We were talking about some things when suddenly my grandma asked me something. "Can you come with me, I want you to see something ", she said. I nodded and walked with her. We walked to her room. "It was always a tradition to wear your families weddings dress. It was pretty old and I knew you would get married so I refurbished it. She opened a closed and I saw it. It was so beautiful!

"Wow grandma! That's so beautiful!", I said

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"Wow grandma! That's so beautiful!", I said. "So will you wear it?", she asked. "Of course!", I said. She hugged me. "Come let's go back your future husband is waiting for you", she said. I nodded and we went back. "So what did she show you?", he asked. "Just something for the wedding", I said. Suddenly there was someone at the door. "I'll open it ", my grandma said. We heard her open the door. "What are you doing here?!", we heard her ask in disbelief. The people at the door came in. It was a girl , a man and a woman. "Mom? Dad?", I heard Layla say. "Uncle? Aunt?", I asked confused. "Well hello", they said. Their daughter rolled her eyes at us. "I thought you were dead!", Layla screamed. "Well we aren't and we are here for the throne. "Not happening, I'm gonna be queen", I said. "No you aren't, I'm older so I'm gonna be queen", she said. I looked at my parents. "How old are you", I asked. "I'm 17 and 6 months", she said. I started laughing. "I am 18 and 6 months so shut up", I said. She didn't believe it. "You told me she was younger! ",She screamed to her parents . They looked at her scared. They are scared of their own daughter. " you wouldn't be a good queen, your own parents are even afraid of you", I said. She looked at me like she was gonna kill me. And that what she tried but Marcus protected me. She was kinda fighting again him but he didn't even need to do anything. He had her under control very fast. "Guards", My grandpa called. They took her with them. Layla ran to her parents. "Honey, we have missed you so much ", her mother said. "She would kill us if we didn't leave you, she is totally crazy she wants to be queen", her dad said. They hugged. "Mom , dad, this is my boyfriend Martinus", she said looking at Martinus. "Awww", they said. "And that's Emily's future husband Marcus, Martinus' brother", she said. I smiled at them. "Congratulations ", they said. "What are we gonna do with Celine?", my dad said. Celine is the name of that evil princess...

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