"Royal" part 5

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Emily pov.
I was still running and jumping over the trees. We only needed to do one jump and then we would come on a meadow. We were ready to jump but Diamond stopped. I fell of. Diamond ran away. "Diamond stop!", I screamed. Now I was alone in the big woods. I wasn't hurt from the fall. I stood up and started crying. I should have listened to dad. Why am I always so stubborn. I heard something behind me and I looked around. There were two horses and two boys. They came closer and I recognised them: Marcus and Martinus. I fast wiped my tears away and looked at them. "Princess are you okay?", Martinus asked. "Yea I fell but I'm fine, diamond ran away", I answered. "Let's go find her", Marcus said. I walked to Marcus. "Can I sit behind you?", I asked. "Of course ", he answered. I climbed on his horse and sat behind him. We started galloping. "At the end there is a meadow", I said. We galloped a little further and saw diamond eating. I got off the horse and took her reins. I got back on her. "We can go back now", I said. We started heading back. "Thanks for looking out for me", I said. "You're welcome, are you sure you are okay?", Martinus said. I nodded. "I hope you stay long, I like you guys", I said. We talked a while and we came to the stables. I saddled Off Diamond and ran back to the castle where my dad was waiting. "Honey I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have got so angry", My dad said. "It's okay I shouldn't have been so stubborn and i am sorry to", I said. He smiled and we hugged. "Are you going to the garden? And your dress is kinda dirty honey maybe you should change", Dad said. "Yeah i will go to the garden after i changed", I answered and ran to my room. I got changed in another dress.

After that I finally went to the garden and sat on a bench

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After that I finally went to the garden and sat on a bench. The boys didn't even notice. Layla sat down next to me. "I think that one boy called Martinus is cute, he's brother to", she said. "Yeah they're cute, are they here?", i asked. She nodded and pointed in the direction of the fountain. They saw we were looking at them and waved. We waved back. "And the other boys?", I asked. "Some of them are really nice and cute but the most of them are arrogant and annoying ", she said. "We'll see, the ones who fail in the etiquette test and the jumping test need to leave", i said. She nodded. "Who do you like the most?", Layla asked. "I kinda think Marcus is cute and very sweet", i said blushing.
"Does somebody has a crush?", she whispered laughing. "I don't really knowf, i answered. Am i falling for him , does he feels the same? Do I really like him that way? Is he the one?

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