"Royal" Part 15

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The breakfast was done and we walked out. I grabbed Layla's arm. "Can we talk?", I asked. She nodded. "Are you okay?", I asked. "I don't know", she said. When everybody was gone she bursts into crying. I hugged her. "What if he likes her more? ", she asked. "Of course he doesn't ", I said. "He loves you", I said. She nodded but I knew she didn't really believe me. He needs to do something big so she can forgive him. "I'll talk to him", I said. She nodded and went to her room. I started looking for Marcus. I saw him talking to Martinus.

Marcus pov.
I went to talk with Martinus. He was really worried. "What do I need to do?", he asked. "Maybe you can go on a date or something ", I answered. "I'm going on a ride with Emily but after that I will help you, okay?", I asked. He nodded and I saw Emily coming towards us. She looked at Martinus worried. "How is she?", he asked. "Worried , you need to do something to win her trust back", she said. He nodded and walked away. "Ready?", she asked. I nodded. We walked to the stables hand in hand. She went to saddle Prince and I saddled Lovely. We both got up and walked towards the woods. This is gonna be amazing.

Emily pov.
We rode next to each other.  We took the jumps and came to the big meadow. We galloped next to each other hand in hand. It was so much fun and pretty romantic. I'm glad I chose him, I can't wait to go to my grandparents, they'll love him. We are going in 2 days for dinner. It's always fun. After a few hours we arrived back at the stables. We unsaddled the horses and putted them in the stables. We went to the paddock to watch Emma. She was riding the horse where I learned how to ride on.

His name is Cookie

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His name is Cookie. He is really nice . It was going great. "That's the first horse I road ", I said smiling. "Aw that's so cute", he said. "Do you think they will be okay?", he asked. "Layla and Martinus? I hope so they really like each other", I answered. He nodded. "Come let's go to your family", I said. We went to the garden and saw his parents. We sat down next to them. "Wasn't it hard? To choose someone?", Gerd Anne asked. "Yeah it was but I liked Marcus already from the first time I met him", I said. Marcus blushed. "I heard Martinus and Layla have some troubles ", Kjell Erik said to Marcus. "Yeah, there was another princess at the prom and she kissed Martinus... Layla saw it", he said. "Aww that's so sad, I hope it gets better", Gerd Anne said. I nodded. "You know, you can use everything in the castle ", I said. They nodded. "Maybe we can get to know each other and go to the royal spa", I said to Gerd Anne. "And you guys can go to the rotal guard, they would love to learn you some things", I said to Marcus and Kjell Erik. "I would love that", Gerd Anne said. "That would be so cool if we could do that", Kjell Erik said enthousiast. So we split up and Gerd Anne and me got to the spa.

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