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Dan ran through the woods in the dead of night, breathing heavily. He was running from someone...or something.

All he knew was that he had to get away, away from it.

"Stop, please, " he heard its pleading unearthly voice.

"Don't go, " it whispered.

"Shut up!" Dan yelled, pulling a fistful of his hair.

He looked behind him, all he saw was darkness.

He tripped over a rock losing his footing and fell face-first into the ground. His glasses fell off, scratching his cheek in the process.

He turned around scared and his heart lurched into his throat as he saw two blurry red eyes glowing in the dark.

"Please, " he choked out.

He saw the figure cock its head to the side, a wide grin plastered on its face.

"Oh, Dan."

"You and me, we're inseparable."

Dan gulped.

"Why are you running away?"

"I thought you loved me." It whispered moving closer.

"No." Dan looked right into the figure's eyes.

It hovered over him, its mangled hands on either side of his face.

And for a second Dan was grateful his vision was terrible so he wouldn't have to stare into those hell-crazed eyes.

"I never loved you. I was in love with the idea of you, " Dan said.

He felt it lean down to his ear.

"Who then are you in love with?"

A small pause.

"Is it her?" It said it's voice low.

Dan gulped.

"Tell me, Dan is it her?!" Its face turned into a snarl and it dug its claw-like hand deep into his chest and ripped out his heart.

Dan coughed out blood staring at his still-beating heart in its misshaped hand.

It 'tsked', looking at the heart in awe.

"The human heart, such a frail little thing."

Its eyes contorted into an ugly snare disfiguring its face even more.

"Such a fickle little waste of flesh!" It roared.

It smiled cynically.

"Give me, I want it."

It chuckled.
Then it transcended into full-blown hysterical laughter.

"Give me, I want it!"

Dan felt himself slipping away into the choking arms of oblivion, but not before he saw her put his heart away in a box.
Author's note: Hey guys, I'm back!🥰💃. And it feels so good to be back.

God has a lot of plans for this book and I want you guys, yes you, to be a part of this journey.

Will you accompany me?


I just want to say thank you for your immeasurable support for my books, it really means a lot and may God bless you real good. Amen🙏

So, this is the prologue, the first chapter will be out very soon.

Anticipate. And oh, don't forget to show some love and share.

Vote if you like, comment on your thoughts and let's have ourselves some adventure😁😉🙃

And we'reeeeeee off!

Love you guys so much❤💕💞


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