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Dan stood in front of the wide window in his room and just gazed out; they were surrounded by only forest and it strangely reminded Dan of his time at the mansion with the Sentinels.

Dan's eyes lowered. He wondered where the Sentinels were—where they all were.

He hadn't heard Peace in days, it made him jittery in a way.

He'd been held at the hell hole for days now, locked up in his room. They'd starved him, hadn't given him anything to eat or drink.

But he was hardly hungry for human food. He could smell the thick scent of fresh blood in the air; that was not only what he could smell. He could also smell the putrid stench of rotting flesh.

Dan's stomach growled.

The day before, Thomas had sent in two more girls into his room and they'd both left.

He'd been furious Dan hadn't 'consumed' them like he wanted him to.

Dan sighed and closed his eyes.

He wondered how Rebecca and Philip were. He wondered if Rebecca would keep on staying at the church for protection like he hoped she would. But he knew Rebecca; she never listened. She acted purely on emotion.

Dan's heart raced; he remembered what she'd told him, just before he left that night.

'I love you.'
The sound echoed in his head.

But he hadn't said it back; because he couldn't.

Dan closed his eyes and sighed.

The door opened and it closed silently. Dan opened his eyes and dread filled his being. He knew it was Thomas.

Dan turned around eyes narrowing.
"What do you want this time?" Dan stated.

Thomas grinned; he was wearing a plain black shirt with black plants. Even from where Dan stood, he could see those golden eyes clearly.

"Master is back."

As soon as those words fell from him Dan's heart couldn't possibly race any faster.

Thomas moved closer and stood in front of Dan.
"I know you're afraid."

"Why would I be afraid?" Dan said quietly.

"Because he has the power to take from you."

Dan's heart clenched.
Thomas smirked.
"He wants to see you."

"He's missed you," Thomas said quietly.

Dan sidestepped him and turned to him.

"Then take me to him."

"He said you should come alone, " Thomas said tight-lipped, almost jealously.

He then huffed and left the luxurious room.

Dan closed his eyes and sighed.
'This is it.'
Dan stepped out the room and took one last long look at the room he'd stayed in for the past few days before closing the door behind him.

He followed the scent of blood.

Granted the entire building wreaked of blood but he had to go to where the smell was the strongest.

Dan walked through a large hallway. There were large portraits on either side of the wall and it vaguely reminded Dan of all those Victorian-style mansions.

Dan followed the scent of blood down a particular staircase after cutting through several turns and curves.

The more Dan descended the stairs, the more heart-stopping dread filled Dan. Dan sensed something wasn't quite right but he couldn't put his fingers on what it was.

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