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Dan sat at his desk trying to write but it was all jumbled mess.

He groaned tearing the page off, squeezing it and throwing it on the floor joining the rest like it.

'Why can't I write?'

He sighed leaning back against the chair. He closed his tired eyes.

His mind was blank, he could feel no emotion whatsoever-and it scared him.

He had no inspiration to write, he was just numb and it frustrated him.

Seeing Philip again, after so long, had made him happy, made him feel less lonely, even though it had been for a fleeting moment.

Dan sighed, he knew he was losing control. Dan stared at his right hand-it was shaking.

He'd killed a man...and his daughter.

Dan tried to shake off the memory but he couldn't.

He'd smelt something mouth-watering and it'd turned out to be the people nearby.

The grotesque sight of him tearing them to pieces replayed in his mind and he rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

Sin was right, he wasn't human. No human would eat another human.

And the disgusting thing was that he'd enjoyed it, he'd enjoyed picking their flesh clean off their bones.

Dan's eyes lowered as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Abhorrently, he could feel the hunger again.

Dan hadn't told the Sentinels about that night, not even Peace-he'd told no one about the horrendous craving he'd been having.

Dan got up warily and went into the shower.

Slowly, he took off his clothes and allowed the cold water to loosen his tense muscles.

His hand went to where the shards of glass had been just a few hours ago.

'What was he becoming?'

Dan's eyes lowered. He was slowly being consumed by his other half-the demon half.

Ever since the Sentinels appeared in his life, things had taken a turn for the worse.

'Your destiny, there are no happy endings for you. Everyone who comes close to you will die horrible deaths...'

'You are alive only to suffer pain and bring about the pain and death of others.'

Dan bit his lip.

'You are an abomination, don't you get that? You're not human, so stop acting like one...'

Sin was right, Sin had always been right.

He wasn't human, how could he call himself that after what he'd done, after disembowelling and devouring a six-year-old and her father?

There was no going back, no forgiveness, no redemption.

He wished he could turn back time to when he was still at Elaine's when he was still a smoker, at least then, he had only been miserable, but now, he was lonely and miserable.

Dan stepped out of the shower dripping wet. He dried up and wore more comfortable clothes.

He laid on his bed.

His room was fairly large with a wooden floor that had seen better days. A window stood by the side near his bed.

His desk was beside the door with a single lamp and his bed was queen-sized with overly big blankets. The second door near his desk was the bathroom.

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