Chapter 5 Interrogation

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One hour later, over on Elm Street Riley was on the porch of a house with some friends. His friends were members of the Elm Street Killers. Riley was wearing a black rose checkered hoodie, black Adidas pants, white Air Force 1, and a black Chicago White Sox baseball cap backwards.

 Riley was wearing a black rose checkered hoodie, black Adidas pants, white Air Force 1, and a black Chicago White Sox baseball cap backwards

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Riley was smoking a blunt with his friends, Big Mike, Quan, and Jabari.

Jabari: Riley, how does it feel to be out?

Riley: It feels good. I don't have to look like everybody else. And I get to to eat real food.

Big Mike: I hear you.

Riley: They thought they could keep me in. They thought wrong.

Jabari: Can't nobody hold down the Killers.

Riley and Jabari then did a gang handshake. Suddenly Deputy James and Officer Watson pulls up to the house in a Hawkins police car.

 Suddenly Deputy James and Officer Watson pulls up to the house in a Hawkins police car

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Officer Watson: Riley Porter back home.

Riley: Nick, what are you doing here?

Officer Watson.: You need to come with us. Now.

Riley: For what?

Officer Watson: My sister told me you put on some weird mask and attacked her.

Riley: What? Man, she's crazy.

Officer Watson: You calling my sister a liar?!

Riley: Hell yeah I'm calling her a liar. She's lying her ass off. I ain't do nothing. I've been here all night.

Officer Watson: Oh that's not all. My sister told me you also attacked Jasmine Turner two days ago.

Riley: No I didn't. Why would I do that? Yeah, she broke up with me, but I wasn't that mad to want to do something to her.

Officer Watson: That's not all. They also said you killed Jane Cooper and Anthony Young.

Riley: What? Jane and Anthony are dead?

Deputy James: Why are you surprised? Didn't you kill them?

Riley: Aye, look, bitch, I didn't kill them!

Deputy James: You better watch your mouth, son! I am an officer of the law.

Riley: Well, Officer of the Law, suck my dick.

Officer Watson: Alright, that's enough. Time to take you in.

Riley: Nigga, fuck you!

Officer Watson and Deputy James then tried to grab Riley but he was resisting which resulted in him being slammed onto the hood of the police car.

Deputy James: Riley Porter, you're under arrest.

They had handcuffed him and put him in the back of the car and drove off. Later on that night Riley was being interrogated at the Hawkins Police Station by Officer Watson who was very angry. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, slamming his hands on the table.

Officer Watson: You did it didn't you?!

Riley: Look, Deputy, I already told you and Leslie Jones that I ain't do shit!

Officer Watson: Liar!

Deputy Watson then snatched Riley by his hoodie.

Officer Watson: Admit it! You killed Jane, and you attacked my sister!

Riley: Get your damn hands off of me!

Sheriff Gordon suddenly rushes in and pulls Officer Watson off of Riley.

Sheriff Gordon: Nick, that's enough. Go cool off.

Officer Watson then exits the room.

Sheriff Gordon: Sorry about that.

Riley scoffs. Sheriff Gordan hands Riley a can of Coca-Cola.

Sheriff Gordon: You thirsty?

Riley grabs the can and opens it and he takes a sip.

Sheriff Gordon: Alright, son, I got two dead bodies on my hands, and two people were attacked. One of them said it was you. So, I'm going to ask you this one time. Did you do it?

Riley then takes another sip and puts the can back onto the table.

Riley: Look, I already told your officer of the goddamn law out there that I didn't do shit.

Sheriff Gordon: I don't know, Riley. Tori Watson said you texted her moments before she was attacked telling her that you were at the game.

Riley: I was with my friends on Elm all night. I was nowhere near that game.

Sheriff Gordon: You sure about that?

Riley: Sheriff, come on, you've known me since I was a kid.

Sheriff Gordon: Do you know how many murders I've known since they were kids. You wouldn't be the first one.

Riley: I'd be the first one who's actually innocent. I didn't do it!

Suddenly Riley's mom burst in the room.

Sheriff Gordon: Ms. Porter, it's nice to see you.

Ms. Porter: Shut up, Sheriff! You don't need to say another word to my son.

Sheriff Gordon: I was just getting ready to let him go.

Ms. Porter: How dare you accuse my son of murder. Just because he got into some trouble before he's the first to blame? Let me tell you something. What my son did in the past was wrong. But he learned his lesson. He served his timed and paid his debt to society. Now that he's home he is trying to turn his life around and I'm not going to let you or anyone else ruin that for him!

Sheriff Gordon: You're right, Ms. Porter. I'm sorry.

Ms. Porter: Come on, Riley, let's go.

The two then walked out of the room and exited the police station.

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