Chapter 22

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So I'm dedicating this chapter to @Sxftsmiley101 ,she's a huge fan btw🤗 and also hii to all my new readers and ghost readers, your reads and votes mean a lot. I might not be updating soon cause I want to try and finish my book offline. So thank you all for your commitment. Hope you enjoy 💖💖


"I can't believe the mid term is already over." Omolara sulked as we got ready for school. She sluggishly got out of bed with her towel on to have her bath.

I had taken my bath and was getting my uniform off the hanger, I dragged my black flats on the floor to the foot of my bed and took out my white long socks.

I took out my shea butter body cream, the cream had melted so I dipped my finger inside and sighed at how amazing it felt.

I got out of my one minute "deja vu" and got dressed. I had packed my bag last night before watching two movies on Netflix with Omolara. This girl is spoiling me. But I was able to read though so it's still a win-win.

I stood in front of my full length mirror and stared at my reflection. I packed my hair in a famous afro bun and wore my pearl earrings with stood out.

I continued looking at the light complexioned girl staring back at me. She had a nice set of boobs which stood out nicely in her white shirt, the school logo on the breast pocket of shirt and a visible butt bringing out her curves in her averagely short blue black high waist skirt. Her socks shined brightly and her black flats were clean with slight polishing here and there.

I kept on looking at my reflection until I realized it was me. I was the happy, beautiful girl but this felt weird. Have I grown up this much and didn't notice this or didn't put my looks in consideration?

"You're looking at your boby like as if you've never noticed how finee it is." Lara snapped me out of my thoughts, she was wearing her underwear. She stressed the 'fine' and kept smiling at me.

"Is this normal, to do this." I felt my cheeks flushing as I kept on wondering if I were sick or something.

"It is baby girl, you have everything you could ask for and the only thing you need to do is accept it and move on with that confidence." Lara sat on the bed, smiling as she unfolded her shirt gently.

What Lara said hit me in a good way. She was right, I am not to ignorant of how awesome I am. I looked at MYSELF in the mirror one more time and smiled bigger, grabbing my transparent gloss and applying a generous amount. Not for show off but for myself.


I walked out of my mom's car with Lara smiling as usual. She packed her hair into a lower bun(yes, her hair is that long and natural) and the edges of her hair she laid where less visible for a good reason. The Vice Principal.

She is always fishing out girls with short skirts ,those who slim fitted their uniform and is always checking out our hair. We were allowed to pack our natural hair and braid it but no attachments, wigs or weavon.

Our English teacher, Mr Bankole took care of the boys then we have our female DP teacher after the everyone with long nails, untidy uniform or wrong socks.

We got into the school compound finally, a few students scattered around the compound most of them walking in pairs or groups to their various classes.

Then we headed upstairs to our classrooms to drop our bags and get prepared for the general assembly in the school auditorium every Monday. A few students were in groups, obviously copying other student's assignment, some were comparing their assignments with each other.

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