Chapter One

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I was finishing my math homework when I hear a ding come from my phone. I picked it up and looked at it, I noticed I had a new notifications from YouTube. Someone must have posted a new video. I looked back at my homework and I turned my phone off with a sigh and went back to work.
I recently turned 15 years old, we had a small family party, nothing much. I didn't have many friends. So I just invited my close ones. I wasn't very social in school. Yeah, sure I could hold a conversation if I really wanted too. Like most people I didn't like school at all. I'm fine with learning and all, it's the homework that bothers me. I have troubles focusing on what I'm supposed to do and often get distracted. It not like I don't want to get my work done on time or anything. When it comes to time, such as being late, I can freak out. I hate being late. I just can't control the fact that homework is boring.
I continued my homework until I hear the familiar ring of my phone. Someone must be calling me. That doesn't really happen often. I don't really like to call people. I rather be able to think throughly about what I'm going to say. That's why all my friends text me not call. I hurrily rush to grab my phone, it must be important if someone was calling me. I swiped the green phone and bringed the device up to my ear. ''Hello?'' I spoke, I noticed my voice sound kinda dry, I should probably grab a glass of water, but I ignored that. ''Hey, Sam. Its me, Jacob. I was wondering if you could drop by today.'' Jacob was my friend from math class, we live pretty close together and work together on projects. ''Sure buddy. Whats wrong?'' I spoke with worry. ''I'll uh, tell you when you get here okay?'' I sighed. ''Okay, ill be over in a minute. Bye'' I hanged up the phone. I stood up and turned off my desk light. I pushed in my chair and headed towards my bed stand. I grabbed a hair band and tied my dark, thick, brown hair into a bun. I looked out the window near my bed. It was raining. It was a quick walk down the street to Jacobs house so I grabed a back jacket and put my phone in its pocket. I had jeans on and shrugged. I honestly didn't care if I got wet.. I grabed my apartment keys and tuned off my lights as I closed the main door. I locked the door and put the keys in my jean pockets. My apartment was on the second floor so I walked down the flight of stairs. I picked up my pace down the street. It was late at night and the streets were uncomfortably empty. I also wanted to keep my word and get to Jacobs house as soon as I could. I was looking down at my black old shoes, not the best idea I've had, as I turned the corner. I though I had slamed into a wall or something when I fell backwards. I hear a loud huff and realized that I had just sped walked into someone. I quickly sit up to see who I had just ran into only to let out a gasp of suprise. ''Jacob? Is that you?''
He stands up and holds out his hand, I take it and he pulls me up. I stare into his hazel eyes in confuion. ''Jacob what's going on?'' Were still holding hands so he lets go and rubs his neck. ''Sorry, Im fine now, I tried to call you to say nevermind but you didn't answer.''I noticed how he was looking down at me and mentally grumbled. Why did everyone have to be so tall? ''Oh, uh sorry. I think I zoned out while walking.'' Well, that must have been embarrassing. People must have been staring as my phone rung. I cringed at the though of me walking in the rain, staring down at me feet as my phone goes off. ''Well, im sorry for bothering you with all this. I had a panic attack, but it blew over quicker than I though it would.'' He smiled awkwardly. I walked up to where he was standing and hugged him. I just felt like it was the right thing to do. He flinched at the sudden movement but then Jacob hugged back. We stood there in the middle of the street, while it rained, just enjoying the moment. The hug seemed to melt away all my stress. I didn't want this moment to end but I could feel Jacob pulling away. I looked at him and smiled. Im glad I have such a nice guy as a friend. ''That hug was supposed to be to comfort you, but I think it worked on me as well.'' I let out a little laugh and watched as Jacob started to laugh as well. I remember Jacob calling me over a few weeks ago. His tutor really stresses him out, enough to cause him panic attacks when he's having trouble doing his work. I would normally walk in to see him crying on the couch. I'd have to sit down with him to try to ease his breathing and then we would go over what was bothering him. I wasent very smart so I didn't always know the answer to the questions he'd have. But thats why google existes right? Once we stopped laughing I said my farewells and walked back to my apartment.
-Time skip-

After I finished my homework for the night I grabbed a grey shirt and some black sports shorts from my closet and decided to take a shower. The apartment was small so the kitchen and my desk were in the same room. My bed, bed stand, and closet were located in a small room. The bathrook was next to my bed room. I had a decent shower considering how little I pay for rent. Once back to my room I flopped down on my bed, staring at my ceiling for awhile. My homework had completely slipped my mind and I fell asleep not to long after I layed down. I don't know when I feel asleep but I did. I didn't have a dream that night, just an endless black void. It felt like I was there forever. Were dreams supposed to feel this long?
I groaned as I started to stirr. I didn't feel like going to school at all. I thought I was going to wake up to my annoying alarm clock, but I did not expect what I saw when I finally opened my eyes. I was laying on my back staring at a blue sky, it looked like good whether, no clouds in sight. Wait WHAT?! The first though that came to my mind was that I had been kidnapped. But wouldn't I be in a basement or somewhere hidden? I still hadn't moved from where I was. I felt like I was frozen in fear. I was just in my bed and now I'm outside! Millions of things were going through my head at the moment, I coulf feel a headache coming too.
I really, really, wanted to scream out for someone, anyone who could comfort me.


Hey guys, so it turns out I did have time to re write the first chapter. I hope that I made some noticeable improvements. <3 Next chapter will take a lot of time to redo, I have a lot planned for it! So it won't be out for a little bit. Thanks for all the support you guys! :)

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