Chapter Three

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[Badboyhalo's pov]
 (I added his pov from the start, but Im not going to do that with anyone else)
  I woke up with a splitting headache. All I remember was going to bed after being on a long call with Skeppy. I still had no idea how I got here. I woke up in a forest and assumed this to be a dream at first. But after I triped over a tree root, after walking around, and to look at my hand to see a little scratch with some blood I knew I wasent dreaming. I then looked down at my clothes. I had been wearing the clothes my minecraft character wears. I didn't care at first when I thought I was dreaming. But now I was confused. I don't remember ever buying the clothes or putting them on. Not like they were uncomfortable, I was just generally confused. I decided that I did not want another headache and told myself to not question nor think about it too much. So I just let my brain shut down and walked till I found an open field. I took a glance at my surroundings, after I had realized that this was reality and I could get hurt, I wanted to be careful.
     I didn't see anything but a lake and some flowers. I looked at the sky, trying to determine what time it was. The sun was almost directly above me so it seemed to be about noon. I decided it was safe to continue, and started a calm walk forward in the directionof the lake. When a large rock in the distance came in to view I changed my direction towards it. I wanted to stand on top to get a good view. I knew I was not at home, so finding a nearby town or something would be my best bet, I'd think about how I even ended up in the forest later.
     I arived at the rock sooner than I expected. Once again I checked my surroundings. I noticed that towards the right, not to far away from me, was the lake I had seen earlier. It was a little behind me so I had already passed it. I made a note to see if the water was drinkable after I climbed the rock, I was a little thirsty and luckily not hungry. I couldn't see and food nearby. I truned my gaze from the lake to the rock and moved around it to find a spot I could use to get a head start while climbing it. I walked around it to the left, the lake leaving my view. The rock curved out and down. I could get on the lower part of the rock then climb to the top. I was just about to put my foot in a hole in the rock when I hear a splash. I assumed it had come from the lake. ''Huh?'' My curiosity got the best of me and I walked back around the rock and to the lake. I crouched down near the edge when I saw something darker deep in.
     It was still for a few seconds till it started to move upwards. It looked blurry but I coulf tell it was teying to swim. It had gotten closer to the surface and with wide eyes I noticed that the blur I had been watching was drowning. It looked like a cat or a dog, I honestly had no idea. But its eyes were starting to close and my adrenaline kicked in. Without a second thought I dived into the lake, swimming to where the little animal was floating. Its eyes were closed now and I swam faster. I scooped it up in my arms and started to swim back up.
     As soon as I reached the surface I scrambled to the edge and sat the soaked animal down on the soft grass. I nealed over, she was a dark and light grey sploched cat. I moved my hand to feel for a heartbeat and noticed how cold the cat was. I onec again scoop the cat up in my arms. I remembered that my minecraft character had a scarf and removed the scarf from around my neck. I warped the cat in the scarf, still hold her close. I pulled the cat to my chest and could feel a soft heart beating. I let out a big sigh of relief. I shifted my position and sat down with the cat in my arms. Then the questions came in. This is the first animal I've seen. I litterly walked through a forest, and I don't think I even noticed the lack of life other than plants. I mean, I was spacing out so I would've missed any animal if there were any. But that doesn't explain why I didn't see any in this open feild. And another thing, why was a cat of all animals in the lake? Yes, the question of the cat drowning was there. But a cat? Don't the majority of cats hate water?
     I looked down, the cat was now curled up in the scarf on my lap. My hands were still around her and I noticed that her fur was less damp now. After a few minutes of staring into space for no reason I could feel my body screaming at me to sleep. I glanced up only to notice that the sun was setting. What? How long was I spaced out?! I shift my gaze down to the cat. Her fur looked dry and fluffy, and she seemed to be deep in sleep. I got a grip on her and stood up carefully. I walked over to the rock and sat down, my back against the rock. I layed the cat in my lap, gratefully she didn't wake up. I knew that being out and in the open wasn't that safe, especially at night. But I was exhausted, the rock was better ''cover''. I layed my head back and let my tired eyes close as I drifted off to sleep.

   /Word count: 1021/


Okay so im not gojng to do everyone's pov from the first day. But I will have the pov of more than just bad and sam at certain parts of the story. Im not very good at adding more point of views so I hope you understand. Please point out grammer and spelling mistakes, I know I suck at finding. I hope this chapter is good. If you don't already know, im writing this because I liked the plot. I am not very good at writing and im still a student learning.

About the next chapter, im not sure when it will be out for sure. Im really busy with school and ill be starting two, yes two, spots soon. (Pray for me) If I don't get this out during next week I'll aim for next weekend.

Sorry for the long authors note. Hope y'all are enjoying life. <3

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