Chapter Six

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Just a quick A/N before the story starts. Please if your reading this go vote on the last A/N update. I can see that you all are reading it but only about 4 people commented. I just want to give the readers what they want and will take the majority vote. So far the vote is a yes. So please go and comment your opinion.

[Sam's POV]

     ''Let me get this straight, we are in Minecraft, the video game?'' I said, looking at both Dream and Daryll. Dream responded. ''I mean, that's our conclusion. We are wearing our Minecraft skin's clothes after all.'' Yes, they are but that doesn't explain one big question. ''Okay, then Dream. Can you please tell me why I'm a CAT?! If this is Minecraft I'm supposed to be in my skin like you guys!'' Dream opend his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Daryll just looked lost in though so I turned my head back to Dream. ''Dream, I have a Minecraft account with a skin. So shouldn't I be, like, humman?'' ''Well, uh. Maybe there's a glitch?'' A glitch? That could be true. ''Ugh, this doesn't make sense.'' I thought out loud. ''Lets just focuse on surviving and looking for others.'' Dream ended his sentence with a sigh. ''Yeah..'' I turned my head to Daryll, who now seemed to be out of his thought trance. ''I've got to confess that I'm not that good at Minecraft. There's also the fact that im a cat, so I can't hold tools like you guys.'' I mean, how would that even work? I can't imagine a cat holding a pic axe. ''Its fine Sam. Just do what you can.'' Daryll says with a smile. Im glad he's here, Daryll is always so cheerful and kind.
     Dream turns around to the tree behind him and punchs it. I just look at him confused. Why is he punching a... tree?
He punchs it again and Daryll walks over to me. ''Are you sure we can just punch the tree and get wood?'' Oh yeah, in minecraft thats how you get wood. That makes sense. But would that work for us? Dream kicks the tree and to my surprise some wood logs drop down. ''Wait that actually worked?'' Dream shrugs and walks over to the logs and grabs them in his arms. Daryll lets out a sigh of relief, probly glad Dream figured it out. Then I notice the bow on his back and the arrows again. ''Hey dream whered you get the bow and arrows?'' I tilt my head to the side a little, confused. ''Oh, well I had the bow and arrows when I woke up.'' Thats weird. ''Do you normally spawn with items in minecraft?'' ''No, but I don't think this minecraft is...normal. Maybe the game really is glitched. That could be why were here, why your a cat, and why I 'spawned' with items.'' Dream said, still holding the logs in his arms.
         |1 hour time skip|

     We had, over time, figured out how to open out inventorys and craft. By a nearby oak tree was a crafting table and a three furnaces. I was able to break trees as well. But it took me more time, and I couldn't even use and axe to speed up the process. Dream and Daryll had gone mining and collected food. The pork was currently cooking in the furnace I was sitting on along with some iron that was smelting. I felt bad not being able to help that much. It was currently night, but we had placed an accesive amount of torches around the area we were in to prevent any monsters to come close.
     My mind started to wander off to when I was younger. I used to have a cat named Raven. Raven was a pure black cat and was very smart. I was about 8 when she was alive. My parents worked at a factory almost all day, to get to and from school I rode my bike. Raven was like a mother to me, since my human mother wasent always there for me. Raven would ride to school with me in my bike basket and would meet me at my bike after school. I asumed that the cat scavenged for food while I was at school, my parents didn't care for the cat and didn't feed it. When I turned 14 I got a job at a restaurant so I could save for my future and Raven. After awhile I had enough to feed the loving cat. I wish I could have done more for Raven though, he deserved a better life then the one he lived.
     My thoughts cleared my mind as my head darted up, my eyes franticly searching my surroundings for the location of the sound. I was on the still burning furnace that was bringing warmth to me. I slowly stood up, ears flatbed against my head, and my neck fur bristling. My eyes scaning my surroundings as I took a deep breath trying to calm my breathing down.
     I heard a rustle of a bush near one of the trees that had not been cut down yet. I turned to that direction, it was the opposite way of where the cave Dream and Daryll were mining in. I could see some figure hunched behind the bush. I lifted my head a little and opend my mouth, the figure didn't smell of animal nor did it smell of rotten flesh. It could possibly be a monster that has no smell such as a skeleton, but this figure had a smell. I smelled like sweat and fear. My ears perked up and my neck fur flattened. The figure was most likely a human and a wave of relief washed over me for a second, until the figure stepped out from the bush and came running at me. I crouched down into a defensive position, seeing the determination and fear in the humans eyes. I let out s hiss and turned around. I leaped off the furnace and ran to the cave. I ran down the staircased mine, I could hear foot steps behind me and picked up my pace. Running down the cave I felt a chill, I should be nearing Dream of Drayll soon. I took a galnce back, the human was still chasing me.
     I heard some banging ahead and sped up. I saw green come into view and yelled. ''Dream!! Help!'' Dream had a pic axe in had and he turned his head towards me as I yelled. His eyes widened and his pic dropped to the ground with a clank. I quickly darted behind Dream as he equipped a iron sword. I backed up till my back hit a wall as I watched the stranger pull out an iron sword as well. The battle began. I heard clanging and grunts as I closed my eyes and tried to zone out. Im not sure how long the battle lasted.
     ''Sam?'' I heard a gruffy voice speak. I lifted my head shakily to see Dream sitting on the stone floor staring at me. His iron sword lay next to him and I could see some blood on it. Dream had a cut on his left arm and was holding it with his right arm. I looked past Dream to see the stranger laying on the ground sprawled out with a dark mark of blood coming from his head. Dream must have knocked him out. 
     ''Sam. Are you okay?'' Dream's voice had a mix of worry and exhaust. I stood from my crouching position and quietly paded over to Dream. I sat down and leaned my head on his injured arm benith his right hand. I closed my eyes and mumbled. ''M' sorry Dream. Are you okay?'' Dream let out a soft chuckle. ''I asked you first.'' I looked up at Dream and smiled a little. ''Yea.'' ''Don't worry Sam, I'm fine. It's just a cut.'' I heard footsteps coming from a tunnel further down the cave and turned my head to see who was approaching.

{1361 words} -not proof read


Hello readers! Sorry for the one day late update, something came up. Again make sure to give me your opinion on the last A/N. Your opinions will decide who this stranger is! I love when people comment on my chapters. Whether it's you commenting your opinion on whats going on or whatever I don't mind!
Have a great day/evening! <3
(yes the cover art is Raven. I give a thanks to pinterest! I found the base for this drawing there. It was saved from and as always background is from Google.)

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