chapter 1

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A green haired swordsman a scar over his right eye going by the name roronoa zoro sat in the crows nest of a ship drinking booze when he heard the idiot blonde chef called sanji, below wooing over the tangerine haired navigator named nami and the dafk haired archeologist robin, the swordsman looked down at the blonde man who was serving the women like queens and began to remember the first day they met.

They were at the ship restaurant baratie his dark haird strawhat wearing captain luffy had shot a Cannon ball into the restaurant like an idiot. Nami, himself and a long nosed man with brown hair named usopp sat at one of the tables since it was luffy who damaged the ship he was forced to work at the restaurant as a chore boy. They were waiting service when the blonde su chef came out to serve their table because of their lack in waiters as soon as zoro had layed his eyes on the chef he began to start seeing in colour starting with the man's blond hair. Zoro watched as the chef tried to woo nami zoro started being able to see blue in the man's eyes as the seconds went by the more colours zoro was able to see. Zoro remembered that it was the day he first challenged hawk eyes and it was also the day he heard about Sanji's dream when he joined the crew.

"Marimo Marimo HEY IDIOT" Zoro snapped out of his memory to see the face of the chef " what do you want?" Zoro asked leaning his back against the wall "you didn't respond when I called you from the deck lunch is ready idiot" Sanji said zoro got up "I'll be down soon curly" Zoro said sipping the bottle in his hand before turning to the window Sanji sighed before leaving. As he made his way down the ladder he began to remember the day he met zoro.

On the said restaurant the loud mouthed patty was about to serve Marimo table "OI patty wait let me take that table" Sanji said looking at the swordsman the male could see the mossy color of his hair and was a little shocked. "why is it the lady?" Patty asked "huh oh uh yeah the lady" Sanji said snapping out of his daze he walked over to the table rose in hand he saw the tangerine haired girl Sanji put on a little act knowing that the other chefs were watching he got down on one knee and began to serenade the woman but he would slightly look over towards the moss haired swordsman he would start to see more and more colours around him, that day was the day that Sanji realized just how far a man will go to achieve their dream even if it means risking his own life.

Sanji came back to his senses when he entered the kitchen where he could hear the sound of talking and people eating he went and stood behind the counter and lit a cigarette Zoro soon came and grabbed his plate before Leaving again.

Soon after everyone finished eating Sanji waited for Zoro to bring his plate back but after a little while Sanji got tired of waiting and went to the crows nest where Zoro ate his food and spent all his time and I climbed in patiently soon reaching the top he entered to see that Zoro had fallen asleep with his empty plate in hand Sanji sighed he grabbed the plate from him before grabbing a blanket and putting it around him "stupid marimo gonna get sick" Sanji mumbled before going back to the kitchen with the plate he placed it on the counter and began to wash dishes for a while but he started  thinking again "you see colour when you meet you souls mate" he said quietly "oh have you begun to see colour Sanji?" Robin asked Sanji was startled by her presence "oh u yeah but it's nothing to concern your self with Robin my sweet" Sanji said Robin smiled "well I do hope you and your soul mate will be happy" oh wait Robin " you don't see colour do you?" Robin shook her head " do you know if Nami swan can?" He asked robin thought a moment but remembered what Nami told her "Nami has but she said it was long before she met everyone" Robin said bluntly Sanji felt his heart drop he turned back to his dishes in a sad manner "but I do remember Zoro saying something about being able to see in colour" Robin added Sanjis facial expression changed to that of a strange in it was delight but utter shock at the same time robin smiled sweetly before letting out a giggle "I do hope you and zoro are happy together" robin teased sanji smiled to himself slightly as robin left the kitchen.

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