chapter 7

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After today's events haruna basically kept saying that I'm her's and well she keeps hugging me out of no where I like it's just I've never really felt this way before so I'm really nervous today's the day we got to go to dwarvgon to find some skilled artisans I hope everything goes as planned also I've worked with the magic crystals and those weirdo plants I found in veldora's cave I made potions with them which got me.

You have AQUIRED a new skill potion Maker Level: 1/10

They're the best potions that's what rigurd has told me I was laying on ranga playing with his fur as I saw rigure and gobta and the other goblins they're the ones that always go hunting for us so I named them the goblin rider's.

Rigure: my Lord we're ready to go.

Ryo: good did you all eat and do what you need to do.

Rigure: yes my Lord but I didn't see you eat anything haruna told us your still growing.

Ryo:(honestly I forgot) yeah I ate before you all.

He nodded glad he did we all then got on our partners and left.

Time skip 2 days.

A normally 2 week's trip has only taken 3 day's but when we got there it was already dark so we decided to set up camp.

Ryo: so how often do you all come here?

Rigure: not often it's usually a long journey for just us goblins alone not to mention dangerous.

Ryo: is there anything I should watch our for.

Rigure: no dwarvgon is a neutral place fighting is strictly forbidden in the city.

Gobta: well before we even got in the city at the check in we go-

Rigure: my Lord there's nothing to worry about.

Ryo:(he just cut if a red flag didn't he?)

Time skip morning.

I told them that I'd just take gobta they tried to get me to take all of them but that isn't my style I asked rigurd if dwarves can sense magic he told me yes so before I left the camp I took out that mystery item I got and it was a ring that could hold my magic power but it's fragile if I let my emotions out of control then it could snap it'll be good practice also the only emotions I really need to watch while I'm wearing this I really need to watch my anger in general also the ring looks like this.

I told them that I'd just take gobta they tried to get me to take all of them but that isn't my style I asked rigurd if dwarves can sense magic he told me yes so before I left the camp I took out that mystery item I got and it was a ring that coul...

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We was now in line to get in to the city they seem to just ask why your here how long your gonna to be here and what race you are it was honestly pretty cool like the line was going pretty fast we had around 100 people before it was our turn just then I heard.

Dumbass: oh what's this a goblin and a kid slim pickings today.

I saw gobta looking pale.

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