Chapter 1 The Hatching

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The large, fully grown Mudwing quickly bounded towards the hatching room. The light was dim, so no one could see his shadow and the three moons were full. So full of light, the day when the mudwing met his beloved. His mind quickly returned to the direction of the hatchery and quickly paced faster. Soon he arrived with heaving breaths and sweaty scales.
"Has she hatched yet?" The mudwing asked as he stood beside his wife while holding her talons.
"I don't know if she will ever hatch. The egg, it looks so different." The other mudwing answered with worry, gripping her husband's Talon harder.
"Shhh. Be strong my sweet. You have fought many wars and won. You can handle this."
"But your a scavenger! Except you are using a potion to talk and be with me. But what about the genes. What will happen!" She cried while sobbing in the mudwing's powerful arms.
"It will be okay. I will protect her from the weatherwings. I can save her and keep her safe."
"What If the weatherwings succeed to find her! What if she is killed!"
"Don't speak of that my dear. The scavenger world will protect her. Besides, she is half Mudwing half Scavenger after all." He whispered trying to cheer his love up.
"I suppose, but We will be separated. And I won't be able to see you anymore."
"I will visit. But it is for our dragonet's own good. I do not want her to be threatened or in other words killed."
Before his wife could speak some more, a faint crack was heard, ringing into the parents ears. The Mudwings looked closer while squeezing each other's talons. Soon another crack was noticed except bigger, then more, and more! Until a small, terracotta dragonet peeked out of the egg shell. It cooed and chewed on its tale as it took in the images of her parents.
"It's a girl. And she is beautiful." The mother cried joyfully as she scooped her baby dragonet in her arms.
"Yes, I can see a warrior inside of her. I can tell she will do amazing things someday." The father said as he smiled, tickling his dragonets tummy.
The dragonet laughed, it's voice echoing into the night sky, so peaceful, so full of life. The dragonet was big, not like any other mudwing dragonet. Her whole body was the color of terracotta and dark brown with a slight bit of caramel brown. Her eyes were raven,black, like the sky and her scales were clear and crystal. Not a trait one usually finds in a mudwing. She had curved horns which were a bit bigger than regular mudwing dragonets, and had a big face. She was twice the size of the biggest ordinary Mudwing dragonet. On the top of the mudwing's scalp held little tufts of hair in a cool, unusual way. She was very muscular and by far, way different then any other dragonet anyone have seen. Her parents admired her feature, they didn't care if she was different or not, she was beautiful. Everything about her seemed to lighten the sky with more wonders.
"What should we name her?" The mother asked, still staring at the large dragonet in her arms.
"Mudpuddle? Her scales ripple like the mud splashing and mixing into water?" Her husband suggested.
"That is a pretty good one, but i doesn't seem to fit her." The mother answered in a hushed voice.
"How about Terracotta? The color of her scales seem to match her personality."
"Yes, that is perfect. I love it. Terracotta the mudwing cross Scavenger. Our first born." She said with a smile.
The father smiled greatly, and placed a warm,wing around his family. The new dragonet continued to stare at her parents. Two races, mudwing and scavenger, yet they fell in love and had a family. The baby Terracotta looked deeply into the eyes of her parents, then whispered a sentence her mother couldn't understand.
"What did she say?" The mother cried out alarmed.
But as she turned her head towards her husband, he just stood there, as he locked eyes with his dragonet, absorbing the scavenger words his dragonet recited. Then he averted his gaze to his wife and gazed at her. She gazed back and asked the same question,
"What did she say?"
"Muddrop, the WeatherWings are coming..."
But before he could countiue, a huge blast of lightning hit the hatchery with a loud BOOM! Mud bricks flew everywhere and a fire began to erupt. The father immediately shielded his family from the blast and quickly guided them out. Smoke blew everywhere and gusts of wind blew heavenly, spreading the fire. The family tried running faster, but with all the debris it was impossible to get out. They were lost. Muddrop held her dragonet firmly against her chest as her husband stood in front of them, talons outstretched reflecting the roaring flames. Suddenly an evil laugh echoed along the fire. Its voice was sharp and craggy like lightning but it flowed smoothly like the wind.
"What do you want WeatherWing!" The father snapped, his wings outstretched.
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to see your dragonet, that's all." The voice said with a following echo of laughter.
"You are not touching my dragonet, nor are you going to take her away!" Muddrop growled, her talons gripping her dragonet tighter.
"Well then, let's come up with a trade then, either you give the dragonet to me, or you die." The voice slurred as the sound of unsheathed talons was heard.
"Get out of here! One more word or you die!" The mudwing roared his teeth gleaming.
"You don't scare me Croc. Your voice may be threatening but your power is weak."
"The trade is off, I don't agree with it!"
"You brought this upon yourself..."
A bright flash of electrical talons, rushed towards Terracotta. Croc roared in anger and grabbed the extended Talon only to find himself electrocuted. Muddrop screamed and ducked the talon, but I was too late. She ducked way to low causing her dragonet's face to appear in front of the Talon. A deep wide gash the size of a plump wallet, scraped the pure face of Terracotta. The dragonet wailed in agony as she clutched her electrocuted gash across her eye. Muddrop roared and bounded over to her wounded dragonet which laid on the floor, still screaming with pain. Croc struggled up from his wounds and opened his eyes, when he saw his dragonet's wound, he roared in anger, and pain. He quickly grabbed his double swords from his back scales and rushed into the burning flames. Muddrop sobbed, her body shook like an Earthquake as she cradled her screaming dragonet. She tried cooing, rocking, and placing her talons on the wound to stop the bleeding, but it only made things worse. Her dragonet roared in so much pain, it hurt her to see this. She sobbed, yelled, screamed and cursed as her talons clawed on the floor. Suddenly a figure was seen in the smoke and out appeared,burnt and wounded, Croc. He staggered over as fast as he could and dropped next to his family, holding his wife tight. In the other hand, he cradled his screaming dragonet for it was the only thing he could do.
"Ha you weaklings. One of the best warriors in the scavenger world and Pyrrhia have lost. Such a shame." The voice crackled once again in a booming laughter.
Without a word Croc then blew fire and smoke, and led his family out into the sky. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashes illuminating the sky with bright light. A roar from the hatchery was heard only to find it lost in the sound of the rain. The family, to weak to travel any further lowered towards the ground into the rainforest. No clue were they were in the rainforest, the family ducked under a draping Palm tree and slowly fell into a light sleep.

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