A Heart Full of Love

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Hye! I am back with the new chapter. I am sorry for the delay. I was busy these past days. It's a holiday season but I give this special day a chance. I am so into the novel once again… I hope that you like it… Domo… ^^

sorry this is a chapter delayed. I'll update soon.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis and never will.

Chapter 8: A Heart Full of Love

Chapter Summary: No matter what she did, she just couldn't deny herself against her own feelings.

Éponine was staring at Marius through the door.

Hey there Mon'sieur what's new with you?
Haven't seen much of you of late.
Planning no doubt to change the world?
Plotting to overthrow the state?
Still living here in the old sewer
Might as well doss down in a ditch
You still pretending to be poor
Everyone knows your grandpa's rich.

Marius rushed down the stairs, she followed.

How did you…?

There's a lot of things I know.

Won't take a franc that I've not earned
All of those bridges have been burned.

I like the way you talk Mon'sieur!

I like the way you always tease.

Éponine came to a stop, looking wistfully after Maruis.

Little he knows –
Little he sees.

Maruis stopped as he exited the front door of the Gorbeau Tenement by a passing carriage. Once it passed, he saw two people in the street outside. One was an old gentleman and the other was a beautiful young girl. Marius couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful young girl. He had never seen anyone so lovely in his life.

The young girl looked back at him and their eyes met. She was too amazed, like she had known him before. The second carriage broke their gaze.

Marius continued down the street and when he looked back at that precise moment, she looked at him again. The old gentleman instinctively put his arm around her, guarding her from the jealousy from the distant boy's gaze.

After that scene, other characters, like Mon'sieur and Madame Thénardier, Gavroche, Javert entered the next scene… until Éponine also saw the beautiful girl and realized something.

Cosette! Now I remember…
Cosette! How can it be?
We were children together.
Look what's become of me.

She turned back only to find Marius gazing down the street.

Éponine! Who was that girl?

That bourgeois two-a-penny thing!

Éponine, find her for me!

What will you give me?


Got you all excited now,
But God knows what you see in her.
Aren't you all delighted now?
No, I don't want your money, sir.

Éponine, do this for me,
Discover where she lives.
Be careful how you go -
Don't let your father know.
Éponine! I'm lost until she's found.

You see? I told you so!
There's lots of things I know!
Éponine, she knows her way around.

"CUT!" The teacher said clapping her hands thrice calling everyone's attention, "Good job everyone. As I've expected of you like the last days. You are doing your characters alive," The teacher looked at the three main characters on stage, "Echizen, work on your emotions. You lack it."

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