Michael Scott

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Jim's point of view

Dwight pushed me down onto the sofa back first and pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away and lined himself up at my entrance and pushed himself deep inside my walls and he thrust in and out slowly trying to find my spot that made me feel so good. I was a mess. I couldn't contain myself from moaning loudly. Dwight found it, the spot that made me feel like all the veins in my body were exploding, exploding for love.

"Don't stop", I moaned out.

"Tell me what you want", Dwight said panting.

"Harder please", I begged.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he gripped hands on my waist as he started to thrust faster and faster into me.

"Ahh fuck! Don't stop! Fuck! Fuck!", I yelled.

Dwight pushed my hands off his body and pushed them down onto the sofa and intertwined his fingers with mine. Dwight brought our hands over my head and left them there as he continued to fuck me. My face was buried into the crook of the pillow. I didn't want him to see my facial reactions because I was a fucking mess.

"Jim look at me", he breathed.

"No", I gasped for air.

"Look at me", he said once again.

I gave in and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He grinned and leaned down, kissed me. He kissed me breathily and tenderly.

"What are you smiling about?", Dwight asked.

Once again I was in my own world again. I jumped when I heard him speak. I looked at him and then my eyes darted toward his lips before saying" Nothing. I just thought of something funny that happened this morning". I quickly looked away from him and pretended to work. I couldn't work like this. With him on my mind. I wish I had the guts to tell him how I feel but I don't. I could feel Dwight staring at me. I could feel my anxiety increasing. What was he thinking? He stopped staring at me and went back to his computer. I looked at the clock that was on the wall and sighed. I still had 4 hours to go.

I got up from my desk and knocked on Micheal's door. Come in, I heard Micheal say. I opened the door, walked in, closed the door, and took a seat in the chair. I didn't say anything, I just sighed. "I can't ", I finally said.

" Jim? What's wrong?", Michael asked.

" I'm in love with someone I work with", I confessed. " I don't know why I'm telling you this".

"Pam? She's married", he said.

"Not her. Someone else", I quietly said.

"Who? Kelly? Angela? I would go on, but the rest of the women in this office are not hot", Michael said before continuing. " Kelly and Angela aren't my types but if you are in love with one of them I'm not gonna judge you", he finished.

I rolled my eyes. " It's not them or any women in this office", I told him.

" Are you------- Wait what????"Michael asked, confused.

" I'm Gay", I admitted.

" Really? Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. It's just I always thought you liked girls".

" Nope, I like men".

" Is it Ryan?"

" What?"

" Do you like Ryan?", he asked again.

"No, I like......... Dwight", I answered.

" Wait Really????? Is Dwight even Gay?"

" I don't know", I sighed. " I'm in love with him. He's all I can think about. Constantly. I don't know what to do", Jim said with sadness.

" Maybe you should tell him how you feel", Michael advised.

" That's what Pam and Oscar said", I said looking down, avoiding eye contact with Michael.

" How about we go to Hooters and you can tell me all about it there?"

I nodded and said " Okay".


At Hooters:

We got to hooters, took a seat at one of the booths, and sat across from each other.

"So what do you like about Dwight?", he asked.

" I love everything about him. For starters, his damn smile makes me... so fucking happy and then I end up thinking about a future where we are together", I said.

" Is that why you play so many pranks on him?", Michael asked.

" Yes, back then I pulled so many pranks on him because it was the only way I could get him to talk to me because otherwise, he wouldn't. He would just ignore me. Now we are getting along, I love being around.......", I couldn't finish the sentence because that's when tears began to fall down my face. " I don't know what to do", I sobbed. I wiped my tears away but my face was still very red from crying.

" Jim you have to tell him or this will keep eating at you", he advised.

" I know I'm just so scared", I said as I wiped my eyes once more.

The waitress came over and asked" are y'all ready to order?

"I'll have the ham and cheese sandwich", I replied without looking up at the waitress. I stayed looking at the table.

" You, sir?", she turned to Micheal.

" I'll have the gourmet hotdog".

She wrote the order down on paper before asking", Any drinks?"

" Water", I said quickly, still looking at the table.

" I'll have water too", said Michael.

" Okay, I'll be right back with your water", the waitress said. She left.

" Jim if you want I can tell Dwight you like him".

" Oh my god no. please don't", I said in a panicky voice.

Michael grinned. "I promise".

"Thank You".

My Annoying Co-worker (JimxDwight)Where stories live. Discover now