Ch. 1- Preparations

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It was 5 AM. Getting pulled out of the bed early in the morning didn't please me at all. I was damn irritated out of my wits. I made some whinning noises and rubbed my eyes vigorously and tried announce my irritation to my mom. She just smiled in return and said, "Sweety you are going to be late for your school trip." I seemingly didn't respond to it and my mom shook me saying, "It's already over time baby. Get up!" She shook me again, this time more frequently. I sprang up "Its the trip day!" I flashed a big smile to her.
Without wasting anymore time I ran towards the washroom grabbing my toiletries and the trip dress. I let the geyser run hot while I brushed my teeth, painted my nails and did my hair. Then I let the hot water remove the numbness from my body in the chilly morning of the early November while I hummed my favourite tune and distangled my hair with my fingers. Having done this, I applied my favorite shampoo, conditioner and body wash and came out of the washroom rubbing my hair dry. Having done all my businesses in perfect sequence and putting my sweater on, I handed over my toiletries to my mother and sat down to gulp down the last morsel of the breakfast while she did the final packing.
It was a four day school excursion- 'school trip'. My first solo trip with my friends. No parents, no restrictions, no hard and fast rules - Just pure enjoyment! My dad was already in the porch waiting for me, with the car ready to roar into life. I ran up to him dragging behind the big suitcase and the backpack. I was looking like a weak little kid with no idea what to do with the two monstrous luggages, as I pulled those jumbo bags tripping here and there as I successfully reached our car.
I thrust them into the car and pushed them to the extreme end to make myself a comfortable space for me as I kept on half listening to my mom's instructions while she kept on repeating things - What to do, How to use the money that was given to us, How to keep things safe, How to keep my belongings under my stern supervision, etc. etc. many other such things.
I climbed up in the car beside my bags and made myself comfortable in my little comfy space. Then after a loads of promises and waving my hand ,in a goodbye gesture, at mom for the umpteenth time we drove of. I plugged in the earphones and switched my favourite song while my dad drove silently towards school. I saw my dad through the corner of my eyes, he was cent percent concentrated towards his driving and I kept on vibing with the tuned music.

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