Chapter 1

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The sky was slowly turning dark blue as he walked back home, looking down at his phone. He had taken an evening jog and now he shivered from the sweat that was still on his body; He was hurrying to get back to the warmth of his house and maybe some blue cookies. (A/N can you guess who it is yet).

Suddenly, he fell back as his head collided with something. Looking up, and rubbing his head at the same time, he met the eyes of the most beautiful person he had seen in his life. His eyes were a rich dark brown with tinges of gold and were pulling him in with every second he looked at them.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," the other boy spoke, his voice was smooth and made you want to hear more. "I-it's okay, I wasn't looking either," he stammered whilst getting up at the hand of the other boy. Regaining his posture, he apologized, "Sorry, I'm Percy Jackson and you are...?"

"It's fine, I'm Nico Diangelo," he said with a smile that transformed his whole face. Percy returned the smile but then frowned and asked him, "Have we met before? I think I've seen you at school somewhere."

"I go to Goode high school but I think you saw me last year when I won that award," he looked at the emerald-eyed boy and saw his face twist in confusion, "...for Gym".

He saw Percy "aah" in realization. Percy replied, " I go there too, can't believe I haven't noticed you before." Nico smirked at his words. Percy looked up at the sky and said, "I should be going, my mom will be worried," Percy raised a hand in farewell as he walked away. Nico looked at him one last time, lingering, and they walked their separate ways. Little did they know, they were both thinking about when they would meet again.


so did you like this chapter?? please pm me or comment over here if you want to give constructive criticism but please please please don't be rude. thanks for reading


pm me for suggestions of what to call you guys.

ok I talk too much


Unexpected Love (a Percico/Pernico AU) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now