Crash Landing

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She started to come to, a searing pain traveling throughout her head, her stomach in knots as she sat up. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust and to remember what had happened.

“The plane crashed.” She replayed over and over in her head.

Meredith looked around, parts of the plane and debris scattered all around her. Her whole body shivered as the cold October air caught up with her.

“My baby.” She whispered, remembering the little person that occupied her womb. Gently, she placed her hand against the swell of her stomach, pressing down on multiple places.

“Come on, baby girl, please kick,” she whispered. She closed her eyes, continuing to press around her stomach until a hard kick was delivered to her hand. “Oh, thank God,” she whispered. “I’m glad you’re alright in there. Hold on for mommy little bug, we need to try and find daddy.”

“Derek!” She screamed. “Anyone!”

“Meredith!” She heard Cristina yell from behind her. “I lost my shoe!” Christina cried.

“Huh?” Meredith said. It didn't make sense to her that Cristina was worried about a missing shoe when they just survived a plane crash. Slowly she stood up, stumbling back a bit as she worked to regain her footing. Her head was spinning as she started to walk forward, leaning on the trees for support.

“Meredith!” She heard a voice call out. She headed in that direction, almost tripping over twigs as she walked.

“Arizona! Are you okay?” Meredith choked out, slowly getting onto the ground next to the blonde.

“My leg is pinned,” she shrieked. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Uh, I don’t know. I'm gonna find them.” Meredith got up and started walking the way she came from. Cristina followed, having finally found her shoe.

“Derek! Mark! Lexie!” Meredith called out,  hoping someone would hear her. Meanwhile,  Derek was drifting in and out of consciousness but he could have sworn he heard her voice. Was he dreaming? Could that really be her?

“Meredith,” he tried yelling but it came out as more of a slurred whispered. Cristina and Meredith kept walking, not knowing where they were going but trying to hold on to faith that they would find the missing trio.

“Cristina, what if...what if Derek’s dead?” Meredith cried.

“No, he isn't, okay? You do not get to talk like that, Meredith. You are not going to lose the father of your child.” Cristina said, placing her hand against Meredith's stomach.

Meredith hadn’t forgotten that she was pregnant, but it certainly wasn't on the top of her mind at the moment. They continued walking until Meredith saw what she was pretty sure was part of the airplane.

“Derek?” She called out again.

“Mer? Over here!” Derek called out. Meredith followed his voice until she found him, laying next to a part of the plane.

“Derek! Oh my God! Thank God.” Meredith cried, getting down onto the ground next to him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. How are you two?” Derek asked hesitantly.

“I’m alright and our baby seems to be alright too. She’s kicking like hell.” Meredith replied, trying to smile.

“Where are the others?” Derek asked.

“Arizona is pinned under a part of the plane, Mark and Lexie...I don’t know.” Meredith admitted.

“I’ll go and try to find them, you keep your pregnant butt here.” Cristina ordered as she walked away. Meredith reached out, taking Derek’s uninjured hand into hers.

“We’re gonna be okay, Mer.” He whispered, tears forming in both of their eyes.

“I hope so, I’m glad she’s doing okay.” Meredith whispered, placing her hand against her stomach. She had been terrified when at first she hadn’t felt her daughter move and that she had lost her. Just the thought of that could have brought her to tears. They had made it thirty-five weeks so far and she was determined to get them all the way to the finish line.

Cristina came back a few minutes later, helping Mark who was badly injured. She helped Mark sit down next to Meredith and Derek.

“Cristina, where’s Lexie?” Meredith cried,  fearing the worst. Cristina looked at her, a look that she knew. The look she had when she had to tell a patient's family their loved one hadn’t made it. “No! Please don’t tell me,” Meredith whispered, tears already streaming steadily down her face.

“I’m so sorry, Mer. Lexie didn’t make it.” Cristina whispered. Meredith laid down on the ground, letting her emotions take over. Even through her tears she still felt it, the searing pain that ripped it’s way through her abdomen. She froze, hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was.

“Oh God, no, not now.” Meredith cried.

“What? Meredith are you alright?” Derek asked. She looked at him, fear evident.

“I think i just had a contraction.” She whispered.

Everyone grew silent, this wasn’t good and everyone knew it. “Figures your kid would come now.” Cristina muttered. Meredith and Derek looked at each other, silently communicating. They were both terrified.

“Can someone go and help arizona? We need to all be together.” Meredith said, her voice dripping with fear. Cristina and Derek left, returning a few minutes later with Arizona who they gently placed on the ground with everyone else.

“Good, we’re all together.” Meredith sighed. She knew they were in for a battle and everyone needed to be prepared.

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