Truly Safe

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She was drifting in and out of consciousness. Her arm sore from the IV, the sound of her baby girl crying filled her senses.

“Where is she?” Meredith asked weakly, her eyes scanning the helicopter.

“We’re checking her out ma'am, they will do a more thorough assessment at the hospital. We’re just scanning her over right now.”

“This is all scaring her, let me hold her.” Meredith sighed. She needed to hold her daughter. Protect her.

“In a minute, ma'am.” The doctor said. Before she knew it one of the doctors brought her over, placing the baby under Meredith’s blanket. Meredith wrapped her arms around her daughter's tiny body as the baby wailed against her.

“It’s okay honey, we’re going to be okay. We’re safe now.” Meredith softly whispered.

The flight was quick, or at least it seemed to be to Meredith. Before she knew it, they were being wheeled into a room in a hospital. Things were being shouted around her but she didn’t pay much attention. She couldn’t.

“Where’s my husband? Where’s Derek?”  Meredith asked frantically.

“Hes in another room ma'am.” She heard one of the nurses say. Everything was fast paced around her. One of the nurses was taking her blood pressure while another started another intravenous line.

“We’re going to check her out,” one of the nurses said who Meredith assumed was the pediatrician. She watched as her daughter was taken off of her chest and rushed out of the room. Desperately wanting to go with her.

She closed her eyes, tears streaming out of them as she tried to breathe. Everything was happening too fast for her liking and no one was really talking to her.

“Stop, just stop.” She cried, trying to sit up.

“Dr. Grey, please lay down.” One of the nurses said gently,  pushing the blonde’s  shoulder.

“I have to go with her, I have to find my husband.” Meredith pleaded.

“Right now you need to be taken care of. Your husband and baby are perfectly fine and being taken care of, please just let us help you.” The nurse said gently.

Meredith’s head was spinning as she once again tried to get out of bed. “Push some lorazepam!” She heard one of the nurses shout. Her eyes started getting heavy as the drug worked its way through her. Her eyelids started getting heavy before sleep succumbed her.


Slowly the drugs wore off. Meredith’s eyes lids opened, her vision blurry as she blinked.

“What happened?” She asked, placing her hand against her head as she squeezed her eyes shut before reopening them.

“Welcome back,” the nurse said. “You started getting combative with the staff so we sedated you.”

“I don’t...” Meredith sighed. “I don’t remember much.”

“Well, you were very dehydrated. We’re pumping you full of fluids.” The nurse explained.

“And my baby? She’s not here...” Meredith said,  her voice cracking.

“We haven’t heard anything. Your husband is doing good, he’s a few rooms over getting fluids.”

“Okay.” Meredith said, sighing.

“Well, I’ll be back to check on you later.” The nurse said smiling as she walked out. Meredith sighed, leaning her head back against the pillow. She was beyond thankful that Derek was alright. But not knowing anything about her baby, knowing she was alone and probably scared ate her up inside. She wanted her daughter with her, to hold her tiny body in her arms. She needed to hold her, to know she was safe. She craved it.

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