We will be fine

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The October morning didn’t harbor any sympathy as Meredith awoke. The bitter cold making her shiver despite being wrapped up in a blanket.

She drew in a breath as another contraction wracked her body like they had been throughout the night. Every twenty minutes, pain took over body and every time she would grip onto Derek like her life depended on it.

“Hey, how did you sleep?” She heard Derek ask her.

“I barely slept at all, contractions kept me up.” Meredith replied. She paused for a moment, a stray tear making its way down her cheek. “Derek, we need to get out of here. I can’t have our baby here.”

“I know, we should check you and see if you’ve made any progress, Mer. How far apart are your contractions?” He asked.

“Still ever twenty minutes.” Meredith replied. Derek positioned himself in front of her, both of them staring at each other.

“You’re only two centimeters.” Derek whispered. Meredith sighed. She still had a long way to go and she hoped they would be out of here before she would deliver.

“You need to eat something.” Derek said, grabbing a duffle bag he had found after the wreckage. He rummaged through it, finding a granola bar. “Here, this is all we have.” He said, handing the granola bar over to Meredith.

Meredith ate it, happy that she at least had that. She threw the wrapper back into the bag before leaning back against the tree, slowly blowing a breath out.

“Are you okay, Mer?” Derek asked gently.

“No, of course I’m not okay, Derek!” Mer snapped. “I’m in labor and we’re stuck out in the middle of nowhere. Lexie is dead, everyone else is injured and our daughter is going to be born in this freaking wasteland!” She cried.

“I know, Mer, we’re going to do whatever we can to make sure you both are okay.” Derek promised.

“She’s going to be so little and helpless, Derek. How is she going to survive out here?” Meredith asked, petrified.

“She has us, Mer,” Derek whispered. “And we’re going to do whatever it takes to keep her safe and healthy. I’m not gonna lie to you, it’s not going to be easy. But we’re going to do what we can, I promise.”

“What if- what if it isn't enough, Derek? What if she dies out here?” Meredith sobbed.

“She won’t.” Derek said, trying to reassure her.

“You can’t promise that, Derek! I can’t handle another loss. I can’t...” Meredith trailed off as she continue to cry.

“If, God forbid, that happens then we will know we have done everything within our power to protect her.” He pulled her close, letting her tears soak his shirt. He would never admit this but he had those same fears. This wasn’t the ideal place to be giving birth in. They didn’t have food except for some snacks that had to shared between multiple people. They had no water and only a couple of blankets. The air got unbearably cold at night and wildlife combed the area.

They stayed silent, Meredith running her hand over her stomach as their little girl squirmed inside of her. She wanted nothing more than for their little girl to stay inside of her where she was safe and warm for as long as possible. Where Meredith could protect her.

“Oh, God. Another one.” Meredith moaned, grabbing onto to Derek’s hand. “Fuck,” she muttered as she breathed through the contraction.

“Hey, anyone else up?” Arizona asked.

“Yeah, Meredith and I are.” Derek replied. “How’s your leg?”

“Still pretty damaged if that’s what you’re asking.” Arizona said, her voice dripping with annoyance. “Do we have any food?”

“Just granola bars, that’s it.” Derek responded,  grabbing one out of the bag and handing it over to the blonde.

“Hey, Derek, we should see if there is any water around here.” Cristina said, coming around from the other side of the tree.

“Yeah we should.” Derek agreed. Then he looked down at Meredith. “You gonna be okay while I’m gone?” He asked, debating on leaving her alone.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. You go.” Meredith said.

It was a couple hours later when they came back. “We found a river, probably about two miles away. Caught a few fish to cook over a fire later.” Derek said, relief lacing his words.

“How did you do that? You don’t have a fishing pole.” Meredith mused, gently running her hand over her bump.

“It wasn’t easy.” Derek said with a slight chuckle. “Also got some catfish tails, some black berries and walnuts to get us through at least part of the day.”

“Good, I know we’re probably all hungry.” Meredith sighed.

“And you get priority over the food, Mer.” Derek quipped.

“What? No, they need to eat too.” Meredith scoffed.

“No, I agree.” Arizona said.

“Me, too.” Mark said weakly. No one had even realized he was awake.

“You need to keep your strength up.” He whispered. “You have to have enough energy to get this little one here.” He said, placing his hand against her stomach.


Darkness crept up, covering the sky like a blanket as nightfall ascended amongst them. They were all sitting around the fire, watching as derek cooked the fish. Meredith was squirming as yet another contraction peaked. She was five centimeters dialated. That was it and Meredith couldn't help but be a little annoyed. On the one hand, she wanted the whole process over with but on the other hand, she also wanted her daughter to remain where she knew she was safe.

Cristina was sitting by Meredith, rubbing her back whenever a contraction peaked since Derek was busy at the moment.

“We could tell campfire stories.” Arizona suggested.

“Really, moron?” Mark started. “Campfire stories are if you’re camping, not stuck in the middle of goddamn nowhere involuntarily.”

They all laughed, he had a valid point.  Once the fish was cooked, Derek dished them all a plate.

“This tastes so good.” Meredith said as she dug into her meal.

Derek smiled at her before replying. “What, you think I can’t cook?” He teased with a smile.

“Better than I can, at least someone will be able to cook for this little one.” She said, pointing to her stomach.

After dinner everyone was tired, turning in early. Except for Derek and Meredith that was. Her whole body hurt,  making sleep a distant memory for her.

“You’re doing good, Mer.” Derek whispered,  rubbing his hand up and down her arm as she breathed through a contraction.

“This hurts like a bitch.” She whispered through clenched teeth.

“I know, baby, you’re doing so well for not having any drugs.” Derek said, trying to soothe her.

“I wish I had drugs.” She whimpered. They both laid there, not really getting much sleep but enjoying being wrapped in each other’s arms where they felt safe, at least for now.

“We’re gonna get through this, babe. You, me, and our little girl. It’s gonna be okay.” Derek said, hoping that he was right.

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