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The sun slowly came up, stirring them all awake. Meredith apologized for the baby waking everyone up throughout the night. Of course everyone understood. Especially Arizona, who had gone through the newborn stage with Sofia.

“How did you sleep?” Derek asked as he kissed the side of Meredith’s head.

“Pretty good, thanks for helping me out with her last night.” Meredith smiled.

“No problem. Mark is taking over with Arizona so I’m gonna go try and get some food for the day, alright?“ Derek whispered.

“Okay, stay safe.”  Meredith whispered before kissing him.


The fire was warm as they were all gathered around it, Meredith close enough so she and Derek could feel it as they stared at the baby in her arms, watching her breathe. She was startled by a loud rustling in the woods behind her.

“What the hell was that?” Meredith whispered as she turned to look behind her. The  sound of wolves growling could be heard off in the distance. Instinctively, she clutched the baby closer to her.

“Derek, what was that?” She repeated when he hadn’t heard her.

“I don't hear anything, Mer.” Derek said.

“I’m gonna go look.”   Meredith said, starting to hand the baby over to him.

“No you’re not, I will.” Derek said protectively. He wasn’t going to have Meredith put herself in danger. He got up, motioning for Mark to join him as they went off into the woods. Meredith couldn’t stop shaking. Her mind was going a million miles a minute as she thought about how to protect their daughter and praying that Derek and Mark would be okay.

“Hey, Meredith, calm down.” Arizona whispered.

“I can’t, what if they come for us? How am I supposed to protect her?” She whispered,  motioning towards the baby.

“We will, no one will let that little girl get hurt.”

Meredith sat there, staring out into the woods, praying that Derek and Mark would come back alive. She knew she wasn’t crazy. She had heard something. They all could hear the wolves yelping before a dead silence came over the woods. They all looked at each other as once again Meredith clutched the baby closer to her.

Mark and Derek came back a little while later, both high-fiving each other.

“Well?” Meredith questioned.

“You were right, two wolves were coming very close to us. But they’re  dead now.” Derek said with a smile.

“Thank God.” Meredith sighed. “I’m sorry, I just knew I heard something.”

“I’m glad you said something, Mer.” He back down on the ground next to Meredith, pulling her close against him as she ran her hand up and down the baby’s back.

“I think I’m going to try and get some sleep, keep watch?” Meredith asked Derek.

“Always.” Derek smiled.

“Goodnight everyone.” Meredith called out. Everyone responded back with their own version of goodnights. Except for Arizona.

“Arizona? You alright over there?” Meredith asked. They didn’t receive an answer and that sent chills down Meredith’s spine.

“Derek, go check on her.” Meredith ordered. Derek got up, heading over to where Arizona laid. He leaned down feeling for a pulse, feeling Arizona’s clammy, damp skin. She was as white as a ghost.

“Something’s not right, Mark can you come over here please?” Derek shouted. Meredith sat up then, frozen. She couldn’t imagine losing another person during this ordeal. She could hear things being shouted and the word “amputation” being thrown around and that in itself made her sick to her stomach.

This isn’t good.” Derek said as he and Mark looked at each other. “We need something sharp.” Derek demanded. Mark went in search, finding a sharp piece of metal.

“This is extremely unsanitary, Derek.” Mark said.

“We don’t have a choice. Give me the blade.” Derek ordered.

No one wanted to watch their best friend possibly die. Cristina went to sit by Meredith who had her attention focused on the sleeping baby in her arms.

“I’m going to have to amputate.” Derek whispered, looking at Mark.

“Won’t she bleed out?” Mark asked.

“It’s a risk we have to take.“ Derek sighed. “Either we amputate or the infection will spread and she will die and I know you don’t want to have tell Callie that her wife died out here.” Derek said, trying not to sound too harsh.

Mark nodded. “You’re right, do what you have to do.” He couldn’t bare to watch. He turned away as Derek got started. Lucky for him Arizona was unconscious, the silence in the air a sweet relief.

“Okay, Mark, take that shirt and wrap it around the leg.” Derek instructed after he had finished. “It will clot off the blood flow, but she’s  already lost a lot of blood and there’s no gaurentee that she’s going to wake up, I’m sorry.” Derek said sadly.

Mark finished up, he and Derek staring at each other for a moment. They both knew it would be a miracle if she pulled through. “I’ll take this shift to stay with her.” Mark said.

“Thanks.” Derek whispered, needing to go back to Meredith and their baby. He got up, heading back over to where his family was,  silently praying no one would die on this journey.


Thank you again BenslerForever22 for another great editing job! Love you girly.

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