Safe....For Now

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“Derek, I can’t, I’m not ready. We can’t protect her out here. She’s safer inside of me.” Meredith rambled, struggling to sit up.

Derek leaned forward, gently pushing her back down before tracing Meredith’s jaw with his finger. “I know this isn’t how this was supposed to happen. But she’s ready to come whether we’re ready or not. There’s nothing we can do except deliver her as safely as possible and protect her the best we can. I know you’re scared, I am too but you can do this. We can do this.” He whispered, a hint of reassurance in his eyes.

“Okay,” Meredith muttered. “We can do this.” she repeated. She tilted her head back, trying to stop a fresh round of tears that were threatening to escape. “We can do this.” She whispered once again.

Derek nodded at Cristina as they had a silent conversation and Cristina sat behind Meredith, supporting her in more ways than one. Meredith took a deep breath as she leaned against Cristina and beared down. Despite it being cold out, her forehead was dripping with sweat. Her whole body aching as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Time went by. Meredith didn’t know how much time and frankly, she didn’t care. All she knew was that she wanted to give up. Derek kept telling her she was doing a great job. Even though she didn't feel like she was making any progress.

“She’s almost here.” Derek said, bringing her out of her thoughts.

“I can’t- I can’t do this,” Meredith whispered tearfully. “I’ve already pushed what seems like a thousand times.” She said, exhaustion clear in her words and the expression on her face.

“I know it feels like you have been pushing forever but you’re almost done, Mer. You’re doing amazing. I’m so proud of you.” Derek whispered.

She gritted her teeth, bearing down again as she hoped this would be over soon. Every part of her felt like it was on fire.

“That was good, Mer. One more push and we finally get to meet our daughter.” So she did, she pushed with every ounce of strength she had, not stopping until she heard the soft cries of their baby.

After she delivered, Cristina had put some blankets and jackets behind Meredith so she could lean against them. Meredith smiled softly as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. She opened them, locking her eyes on the baby as Derek cut her cord and got her cleaned up.

“She’s here, Mer.” Derek softly whispered as he placed their baby under Meredith’s blanket and onto her chest.

“Hey, beautiful.”  Meredith whispered softly, wrapping her arms around the baby as she pulled the blanket up a little more, making sure it was nice and snug to protect her from the cold air.

“Okay, everything looks good.” Derek said, checking Meredith over. He took his place next to her as they both looked down at the baby and smiled. “You did amazing.” They both laid there, staring at their daughter who had fallen asleep on top of Meredith.

“She’s so beautiful.” Meredith whispered, stray tears falling down her face. Derek smiled, silently agreeing.

“She’s gorgeous, you guys.” Arizona said with a smile. Everyone else agreed as they watched the little family snuggle together. Meredith ran her fingers through the baby’s hair before placing a kiss on top of her head as she slightly whimpered.

“I’ve got you, we’re safe…for now.” Meredith whispered, sharing a look with Derek.

An hour later Meredith was fast asleep, Derek taking the time to bond with his daughter. He couldn't get over how much she looked like Meredith. She opened her eyes for a brief moment before closing them again, making Derek smile softly. His little girl felt safe in his arms and that's all he could ask for.

Meredith awoke a couple hours later. Still exhausted but more refreshed than she was before. She smiled softly, seeing Derek with their daughter.

“Hey, you.” She whispered softly.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Derek asked.

“Tired but alright, how’s the little peanut?” Meredith asked, looking at her baby girl.

“Good.” Derek replied, a peaceful smile on his face. He looked down for a moment before looking back up at Meredith. “Here.” He whispered, gently handing the baby back over to her as Meredith worked quickly to get her covered back up.

“Mer, I’m gonna go look among the wreckage and see if I can find a shirt or something to try and keep her more warm with, okay?” He asked, dreading the fact that he was leaving his newborn baby, even for only a few minutes.

“Yeah, good idea.” Meredith smiled. “You go, we’ll be fine.” She watched as Derek left, returning her attention to the baby who was slowly starting to wake up in her arms.

“Hey sweetheart, did you sleep well?” Meredith whispered, smiling. The baby shifted in her arms a little bit before letting out a tiny cry, her mouth moving in a familiar pattern that Meredith remembered from shortly after her birth. “Okay, I know you’re hungry, hang on.” She got the baby eating before leaning back, closing her eyes.

There was something about the feeling of her baby against her that brought her a sense of peace. She tried to block out everything else going on as she nursed. Enjoying the bonding time with her baby.

Derek came back a little while later carrying a couple of scrubs and some sticks. “Okay, I found these. Thank God someone packed extra clothing.”

Meredith sighed in relief as she grabbed one of the shirts out of Derek’s hand. Gently, she got their daughter into it, her heart breaking as she saw her little girl shaking from the cold.

“I know honey, I’m going as fast as I can.” She finished wrapping the baby in the shirt, quickly getting her back against her chest as she pulled the blanket back over them. She looked at Derek, then. “We need to get out of here.”

“I know, honey. I know.” Derek sighed.

“Wait, what are the sticks for?” Meredith asked, as if she just remembered he had grabbed them as well.

“Roasting marshmallows.” Derek quipped with a wink and a smile. Meredith rolled her eyes playfully and smiled as she rested against him and held her sleeping daughter in her arms. Derek watched them with a content smile on his face. He had grabbed the sticks for protection in case something came upon them. He just prayed that he wouldn’t have to use them.


Another shoutout to the amazingBenslerForever22! Thank you for putting up with my craziness :)

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