We're Ok

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Sometime later....

They were on their way back to Seattle, finally. Meredith, Derek, Cristina and baby Lexie had been medically cleared to travel but no one wanted to get back on a plane. So instead they were in the back of Richard’s car. It was a long journey, made longer by stops for diaper changes and feedings for baby Lexie but no one minded if it meant they could stay off of an airplane.

They pulled up in front of the hospital, Richard putting the car in park as everyone started to get out. Meredith reached over undoing the straps on the car seat before she got out, reaching back in to grab the baby before they started to head into the hospital.

Everyone was there to greet them, all cheering as the group entered. A banner hung that read "Welcome Back!" along the balcony. They were all very overwhelmed by the welcome party.

“Thank you, everyone.”  Meredith said as she headed over to Callie.

“How’s Arizona?” She asked. Arizona had been transferred out before any of them had gotten released along with the bodies of Mark and Lexie.

Callie shook her head. “It’s still touch and go with her, they had to go back and do a second surgery but she’s strong.” Callie said, trying to convince herself.

Meredith nodded her head, gently sighing as Jackson and April walked up to them. 

“How are you?” April asked. Meredith didn’t know how to answer that, she was just glad this nightmare was over.

“I’m alright, I think.” She responded, tightly smiling.

“So this is the newest member of the Seattle Grace family.” April smiled. Meredith smiled, looking down at her little girl.

“Yeah, we named her Lexie.” Meredith whispered. She and April shared a look, they had known about her sister dying out there.

“Meredith, the press is here and they would like do an interview if that’s alright with you?” Richard said coming up behind Meredith. Meredith nodded before heading over to Callie.

“Callie, can you watch Lexie for a bit? They wanna have a press conference.” Callie gave her a confused look and Meredith realized that Callie didn’t know the baby’s name. “The baby.” Meredith said.

“Oh, right, yeah! Of course I will!” Callie said as she gently took Lexie from Meredith.

“Okay, I should be back before she needs to eat again but on the off chance I’m not, go ahead and give her a bottle from the maternity ward.” Meredith leaned down, pressing a kiss to Lexie’s head. “I love you sweetheart, don’t give Aunt Callie too much trouble.” Meredith and Callie shared a soft smile before Meredith left for the press conference.

They all headed to the conference room, cameras flashing and reporters talking as they entered. They all took thier seats, Meredith gripping Derek’s hand under the table.

“Okay, folks! Let’s begin.” One of the ladies said. Everyone started shouting their questions.

“Can you tell us what it was like being stuck in the middle of nowhere?”

Cristina answered. “Um, I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was...pretty scary.” Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

“We didn’t know if we were ever going to get out of there.” Meredith chimed in.

“Now Ms. Grey, you had a baby out there, is that correct?”

“Yes, I was thirty-five weeks when we flew out and the crash sent me into premature labor.” She squeezed Derek’s hand under the table, this was a touchy subject for her. “Our daughter was born a few days after the wreckage. Thankfully, there were no complications considering the circumstances.”

“What was it like having a newborn out there, not knowing what could happen or if you would be rescued?”

“It was scary not knowing what would happen but everyone did an amazing job helping to keep her safe and I have to give Derek credit, he was amazing at taking over when I physically couldn’t.” She paused. “Um, towards the end I was severely dehydrated and could barely stay concious.”

“And we got word that there was some fatalities out there also, care to eleborate?”

“Um, Cristina, can you take this question?” Meredith asked. She tried to block out what Cristina was saying, her head spinning, she didn’t want to hear about her dead sister.

“Dr. Shepherd, you did amputation out in the woods, did you not?”

Derek hesitated. “Yes, I did. There was no other choice.”

“Was there, though?”

“Okay,” Richard chimed in. “The doctors have answered your questions. We will be ending this now.” The doctors looked at Richard, silently thanking him.

“I’m glad that’s over.” Meredith whispered as they left the conference room. She and Derek went in search of Callie and Lexie, finding them both in Arizona’s room. This was the first time that either Derek or Meredith had seen Arizona since the woods. She was hooked up to a ventilator, her leg being covered by blankets.

Meredith carefully took the baby from Callie, settling her against her chest as she rubbed Callie’s back.

“She survived out there,” Meredith whispered. “She will pull through this.”

“She has to, Mer. Sofia has been asking to see her other mommy and I haven’t known what to tell her.” Everyone stopped, staring at the door as Alex came in.

“Hey, how is she?” Alex asked nervously.

“Hanging in there.” Arizona replied, tears streaming steadily down her cheeks.

Everything was quiet for a moment until Callie spoke again. “It should have been you.” She whispered.

“What?” Alex said as Meredith drew in a breath.

“It should have been you.” Callie growled. The look in her eyes made Alex back up a bit. She came around the bed slowly, walking up to Alex. “It should have fucking been you!” She screamed. She pushed him against the wall, holding his shirt in her fingers. “You should have been on that plane, not her! But no, your egotistical pride got in the way!”

“Callie!” Meredith yelled. “Blaming him is not going to change the situation.” She said gently.

“Arizona would be fine right now, she would be working or playing with our daughter and not in a hospital bed, fighting for her life!” Callie continued yelling, ignoring Meredith.

“Callie,” Derek whispered, coming up behind her. “Come on, let’s go sit down.” He said, guiding her over to the chair as Alex slipped out of the room.

Derek and Meredith stayed with Callie for a while until Meredith started getting tired, still working on regaining her strength.

They got home, the first time they been home in over two weeks. It wasn’t until they stepped through the door that they both could breathe. Everything would be alright.

“I’m going to get Lexie changed and then I’m going to lay down, care to join?” Meredith smirked.

“There is nothing else I would rather do.” Derek replied with a smile, following Meredith as she made her way up the stairs. Meredith got Lexie changed into a fresh sleeper before climbing into bed, placing the baby in between herself and Derek.

Derek pulled Meredith closer, pressing his lips against her forehead as he lingered there for a moment, reveling in the feeling of his wife and baby in his arms.

“I’m glad we’re all okay.” He whispered.

Meredith smiled softly. “Me too.” She sighed. “Me too.”


Thank you all! Sadly this was the last chapter but please keep an eye out for more stories. Im writing all the time! A huge shoutout as always to BenslerForever22 for helping me with this story! This was fun and im so glad i have you for editing and as my friend in general😍

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