7: In Which Satan, The Lord of Hell, Drowns

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Trigger Warning for physical restraint.

The journey to God's palace was made almost exclusively through back alleys to avoid being spotted. Several times, saved souls glared at him, obviously suspecting that something was off, yet somehow, he was able to make it to the palace gates, and that is where things became difficult.

As always, guards lined the steel walls of the building, but in a much higher quantity than he remembered. Satan mused that protection had become the angels' main purpose after their corruption, and the very idea of it shook him to his core. After a quick look, he reclined back into the alleyway, hoping to think up a decent plan to get in. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud, almost scream like humming, rendering him deaf to everything else. It appeared he had not gone far enough into the alley, and one of the guards had seen him, now, a large group of them were rushing towards him, grabbing at his limbs tightly with their boney hands, his limbs throbbing on impact. He began flailing about awkwardly, but was quickly restrained, leaving him defenseless as they took flight.

They carried him to a small pond, always regripping him whenever he was able to force free an arm or leg. He knew perfectly well from the residents who were dropped in there what the body of water was for. Despite the size of the pond, white capped waves billowed angrily as if it were an ocean, and he was dropped into their embrace without hesitation.

The current made it near impossible to swim, and although the water was so shallow that his foot grazed the muddy bottom upon entry, he immediately knew he would be unable to climb out for a long while, even so, he struggled to wade, his lungs quickly filling with water, until he couldn't anymore, and allowed himself to sink into unconsciousness.

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