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Getting Close

I responded to Kayleigh's query.

Kayleigh gasped as I stated, "Hanging out with someone." "Nothing extensive happens to me, but I just sleep in my favorite thing that called bed as usual."

“Who is the someone, dumbass?” I laughed. I don't want to tell Kayleigh because she'll tease me. I didn't know you were into it. “Nothing, none of your business.” she chuckled and her stomach began to growl and that she left to buy a snack.

I opened my favorite book—my story book—and started writing a new story. If you ask my mother, I love to write stories—so many notebooks are piled up in my secret room. As the door was opened, I stopped writing, and when I turned around, I saw him. The most perfect and handsome man in my eyes. I want to tell him that I had feelings for him even though it's as small as an ant. Why is he in here at this time?

I didn't see that he left his attendance book until he said, "I'm sorry to disturb you Miss Bleast, but I'm here to take my attendance book." He said, holding his attendance book in his hands, "I didn't expect that you're one of my students Miss Bleast."

He gave a sweet smile and said, "Me too, I didn't expect you're our new English Teacher." I melted at his smile. Say what? Are you hearing yourself, Xierra? He started talking again, which caused me to pause in my thoughts.

He grinned as he took the doorknob, stopping just as I was about to say, "Well I gotta go now I have another class to go bye Ms Bleast, see you around." He turned to me as I said, "See you around, Zuan."

“It's Mr. Clox for you, Miss Bleast, and since we're on campus, you can call me Mr. Clox. If we're outside the campus, though, you can call me by my name and I'll call you with your name too.” He said, "Gosh, I forgot he's my teacher. I have to go apologize later." I muttered to myself.

I groaned deeply, wondering why it took that dumbass so long to get just one food for herself before purchasing the entire cafeteria, "Damn Xierra, remembered he is your damn Teacher." Why I am seeing Zuan that is smirking after saying those words at me? I'm just wondering, maybe? Did I get him mad? It's just a word but yeah I should respect him he is my Teacher and I am his student.

The campus diva's Martha Smith and Joli Davis suddenly entered. I recognized them, but I don't care because I forgot about them today because I'm stupid. They are my classmates, and I detest them because they are the bullies and campus divas; they don't even have boyfriends. I know Martha is catching up with Zuan; she is so self-assured here because her father is the school's principal; lucky for her, I was bullied frequently by her, but I'm not sure why.

Joli is her best buddy and, perhaps more accurately, her co-conspirator in bullying others. I detest them. really detest them. As they approached me, Martha started to speak; ops the devil is here.

She smirked and Joli chuckled jokingly, "Look who's getting close with Mr. Clox." They started to tease me, but I don't care; I just want to stob them with this damn pencil I was holding.

“Mr. Why is Clox happy when he sees her?” Joli said sarcastically in Martha and of course me, “What's wrong talking with your own Teacher?” I spoke.

“Is talking to my own teacher, Joli, improper?” I spoke again to make her hear me. If I let you bully me a year ago, I'm not going to let you go this time, As I lifted one eyebrow and looked at her Martha rolled her eyes at me.

“Absolutely not, Xierra. And to whom do you believe you are speaking?” Martha uttered in a furious tone. As I poked my inner cheek while practicing martial arts, I got up from my chair. "Come on, Martha.” Joli pulled Martha towards her and said, "Xierra is just a waste of time.”


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