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Confession Letter

As my phone buzzed while I was speaking with Kayleigh, I reached for it in the pocket of my skirt.

New message from Zuan.

A text? What is he going to tell me? I didn't realize Kayleigh was staring at my phone when I clicked the message.

I need something to return from you.

I put my phone away and started to consider how he might respond to me. I turned to face Kayleigh. “He have something to returned on you girl, do you have any idea what is it?” She said, I don't have any idea too. I regarded the window and considered what he would return in me before saying, "I don't."

A short while later~

As I don't have any pals at school, today is my lucky day because I lost my money and realized I hadn't borrowed any cash from Kayleigh because she had already departed. Because of how gloomy the sky is, I predict rain. I should have remembered to bring my umbrella. Before the rain started pouring into me because my house is so far away, I hastily sought for some neighboring houses or stores to stop by.

My precious bag and uniform are now wet, and I'm relieved that I didn't bring my notebook today. I put my phone in my locker, where it is safe, and it took me a few minutes to find a store.

However, the rain won't stop now, and I've been standing here for an hour. I'm about to be kidnapped by the car that stopped in front of me. No way. Xierra left by walking away! I was about to go when I noticed the person, but I paused.

Zuan's POV.

I'm leaving for home later than usual because I have a ton of work that I can finish at home. How is Xierra doing? Hmm.. Perhaps she arrived home now that it is already 5 PM. I hope it stops soon because the rain hasn't stopped yet. I'm going to pick up some medication for my sister, who has a fever right now.

If you ever wonder, I realize it's strange for all of you, but I just bought some medications for her and am leaving to go home. I have something to confess..

I like Xierra...

I wasn't sure if she felt the same way about me, but I certainly hope so. I know it's strange that I fall for one of my own students, and I broke a school rule when I got lost in my thoughts and saw a girl who is very familiar to me. Is that Xierra?

She was about to go away when I parked my car in front of her and got an umbrella, but she noticed me and looked at me with love in her eyes. You wouldn't believe how easily I fell in love, Mom and Dad. When I first saw Xierra, I fell in love with her because of her perfect features, including her eyes the color of diamonds, her sultry eyebrows, her lovely tall nose, her kissable lips, and, of course, the rest of her. I also think she's adorable when she rolls her eyes. My parents used to remark to me, "Son, you're at the right age; do you have any plans to find a girlfriend?" I simply responded with a smile and a laugh.

“I didn't need a girlfriend at all, and I didn't even have a crush.” I said that—but when I met Xierra, everything changed. Now that I have a crush on her, she is my first love above all. I'll keep this girl safe no matter what.

Xierra's POV.

It's Zuan. I noticed that he had an umbrella and that his hair was a little unkempt and damp, which turned me on for a little bit. “Need a ride?” I laughed as he asked. "Sure Mr. Clox," I joke, since I adore this man and can already smell his perfume as he started to walk into me and put his leather jacket on my shoulder.

What do you think? Of course I'm concerned about him, I responded, "You're going to catch a cold.” He grinned pleasantly, "It's okay, at least you won't have a cold." How did he find me, I wonder? “Wait.. How did you know I was here?" I enquired, becoming perplexed.

“I saw you when I was passing by and assumed you were home, but this time I'm getting worried. I bought some medications for my sister.” Worried? Right now, I'm practically shouting from excitement. He took my wrist and said, "It's getting late, let me bring you home." I blushed. We then started getting into his car.

Few minutes later~

When we came to a stop in front of my house, I looked across at him. I grinned at Zuan and said, "Thanks for the ride.”

I halted when I saw what was in his hand and heard him say, "You're welcome, by the way, you dropped this yesterday." a confessional letter of mine! I was astonished as I stared at him; I know it's embarrassing, but he didn't like me anyway. I have to exit in his vehicle. I want to get buried from embarrassment.

Dear Zuan,

I just want you to know that you are more than just a buddy to me. I've been growing to like you over the past month or so, but right now I'm beginning to feel like I really do. Because of how I feel about you, I can understand if you don't feel the same way or aren't ready for a relationship just yet. Please share your thoughts with me. I really hope we can continue to be the best of friends even if you don't share my sentiments. You can tell me how you really feel about me now that you are aware that I am a considerate person. You can call me, talk to me on the phone, or write me a letter to discuss this. Even yet, you feel comfortable to discuss this.

To: Zuan Clox.


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