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Feeling Uneasy

I've been feeling uneasy because my teacher is Zuan for a week now. What if I transferred schools? I arrived home today at 6 p.m. after staying in the library to finish my project. I sat down on the couch exhausted, threw my bag on the floor, and turned on the TV. Mom might have asked me why. I'd prefer not to lie to her. I didn't intend to change schools in order to get away from Zuan because I've been having some strange thoughts toward him. I saw my mother sat down next to me after setting my bag on the sofa.

"Dear, how are you doing? You appear to be thinking really deeply, don't you?” She said as she gently caressed my hand. I love my mom because she constantly confronts me and sometimes consoles me when I have troubles. I looked at her and said, "Mom, I think I need to switch schools. “Sweetheart, is there a problem? Is it Zuan's fault?” My mother was correct; I must tell her.

"Well, mom, I feel uneasy when he's there, and when we were inside the campus, I felt shy when he spoke to me. I just have strange sensations, sometimes I do admit that I like him but for for fun or to show only how I am being attracted only on him, I don't know why, mom.” I told my mother, "Every time I look at him, I get butterflies in my stomach; he always makes me blush; and my pulse races when he approaches me.

Mom smiled at me and said, "Sweetie, are you in love with him?" No, I don't think I'm in love with Zuan.” “It was a question but why?” I only met him a week or a month ago. But why? Keep denying Xierra that you love him so much.

"You know honey, when I was your age, I kept hiding the fact that I liked your father, but we ended up getting married, and today I don't regret it. I know what it says, sweetie, just listen to your heart," my mother said with a wink before I could respond my phone rang loudly.

My mother walked over to the kitchen and said, "I'll be there in the kitchen baby, call me if you need anything." I removed my phone from my skirt's pocket. Zuan has sent one new message. Indeed, I should have remembered Zuan's phone number as we had exchanged numbers a few days prior.

Just let me know if you feel awkward. Anyways, you've been busy lately, right?

The same as you, I feel awkward also you're probably much more busy.

If you're experiencing trouble with your coursework or studies, Xierra, please let me know. I'll assist you.

That's very kind of you, but I'm not worried about it; thanks for the offer.

So, have you eaten?

No, I just arrived a short while ago; perhaps later. How about you?

I have, indeed. Sorry, we can't talk for so long I need to do my work. See you tomorrow. 🥰

I switched off the TV, turned off my phone, and entered my room upstairs while grinning broadly.

A short while later~

I just finished eating dinner, and now I'm sitting in my room debating what to write. Maybe I'll confess to Zuan in some letters? So I took out my sticky note and started writing him a letter of confession.


As I wait for Kayleigh outside the school gate, I see her waving her hands in my direction. She gave me a hug and pressed her cheeks against mine. To retrieve our books, we moved toward the locker area.

In order to avoid being late for her first lesson, Kayleigh explained she had to use the restroom first. My first subject for today is Math. Great. Kayleigh and I work on different schedules anyway.

As I ran to my class in order not getting late I stumbed on something and I accidentally causing one of the door to open which I assumed to be my room but I was horrified when I saw. Him. Zuan.

Zuan? Oh sh*t incorrect class today, he's not my teacher! You're so foolish, Xierra, I guess this is just not my day. But my books tumbled before I could close the door. This is my worst day.

I started to collect my book, but my confessional letters were on the ground. The letters weren't placed in the locker? How come I forgot? I got panick when I notice that Zuan started to approach me to assist me so I hurriedly stood up and apologized to everyone on the class, and started to walk away.

 The letters weren't placed in the locker? How come I forgot? I got panick when I notice that Zuan started to approach me to assist me so I hurriedly stood up and apologized to everyone on the class, and started to walk away

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Few minutes later~

I'm by myself in the classroom at the moment, reflecting on the embarrassing circumstance I went through a few moments before. Is Zuan upset with me because And ruined his class? Perhaps it is. I exhaled deeply. My phone started ringing. Zuan is here. I put my phone in my ear and pressed the answer button.

“Hello?” I said, and I could hear him sigh from the other line.

He said, "Come to my office now," and then hung up. Oh, I hope not. He might accuse me of ruining his class today. I placed my phone in my skirt's pocket and moved into his office.


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