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Meal from Him

He was busy typing on his laptop when I opened the door to his office. As I got in I quickly shut the door and stood up, at which point he stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me. I'm losing my mind. “You're mother claimed you didn't eat breakfast, so kindly sit down.” How come she told him?

“Yeah, I'm simply in a rush” I say as I toy with my fingers and glance down. He shut off his laptop right away and went to retrieve something from his backpack.
“Here, I cooked it for you.” He gave me a meal, I received a meal from him but why? Is he care for me? I sit down and started eating the delicious food he cooked for me damn lucky Xierra.

Once I finished my meal, I got up and gave him a bow. I gave him a smile and said, "Mr. Clox, thanks for the food.” He grinned back right away and then resumed speaking. “Please remember to eat your breakfast.” I gave a small nod and stated, "I I'm heading back to my classroom.

Few minutes later~

I'm still in astonishment that Zuan prepared a meal for me. Unaware that I was grinning in my own direction, Kayleigh stroked my forehead. “Ouch!” I yell as I touch my forehead, and then she starts laughing maniacally.

"I wonder why you're grinning at yourself. Did something happened that you're not telling me about? Our Instructor hasn't arrived, so we're waiting for her, she jokingly said. I put my book in my backpack and muttered, "Crap the teasing Kayleigh."

"Dumbass, are you dating anyone? ” My eyes widen I don't know what to say well it's evident by the manner. I hope she believed when I jokingly retorted, "No, I'm not dumb by falling on your stupid tactics.” She whispered, "I know you like Mr. Clox.” What the? My eyes widened as soon as she said that and I smacked her arm.

“What are you speaking of?” I exclaimed and she chuckled, "I don't like Mr. Clox.” “I know you, Xierra, so stop lying to me. I didn't deserve this girl. You're my best friend after all. Just say I won't judge you I'll support you, dumbass.” She smiled. "Well, I like him. Are you contented now?" I said, gazing down, and she became happier. "I PROMISE XIERRA I WON'T TELL ANYONE! YEYY! OUR GIRL IS IN LOVE!”

My classmates' heads whipped around in their seats as she yelled, "Why so loud, Kayleigh?” I only gave them an embarrassed smile. She responded, "Tell me everything," and I simply laughed at how special this girl is.

I confess to her my growing affections for Zuan and remind her that we are best friends in addition to being neighbors. "You're damn lucky!" I chuckled. She remarked, "I'm going to the bathroom real quick," and she started to leave.

I grinned at myself as I turned to face the window, where I could hear birds chirping and saw the sun shining brilliantly through the curtains. Will Zuan like me in return? I could be mistaken; I'm just a regular lady who thinks I'm his. It's not at all awful to love your teacher, am I right? Obviously, since it follows the rules.

"Do not fall in love with your Teacher.”

Perhaps that's why I genuinely care for him, Dad? Mom? I'm in love with Zuan Clox, who is also my best friend, neighbor, and everything else, Teacher.

Perhaps he wouldn't like me as a girl? I am his student. He's going to treat me like a pupil, and I'm going to treat him like a teacher.

I had a dream last night that said one day a girl would leave her own country out of love because she was afraid the man she loved would lose his job. She had decided to leave her own school in order to prevent the man's job loss and ensure his continued employment. Perhaps those are just my thoughts; sometimes dreams don't come true.


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