An Upsetting race

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Max's Pov:
I press the radio"How are my tires?..something doesn't feel right"I ask the team."They're fine"My engineer reply's."When is the next pit stop?"I ask"In about 2 laps..make some breathing space between you and Hulkenberg...Pit stop in about 2 laps."My boss says this time on the radio.I take my finger off the radio and turn an easy turn into the Hangar straight.

Something doesn't feel right.I look over at my left front tier and see that it is starting to blister.How the hell is this possible.No No No.Tires why now why....We are 23 minutes away from winning the British GP with 7 laps to go.I press the radio again." front left tire started to blister"I say."Copy that box box"my engineer says.The tier starts to blister faster and faster.Why does this freaking straight gotta be so long?

Finally I turn into Stove and the tier is complete and badly broken and blistered and I felt someting hit me at the back right tier.I try to control the steering but the tiers are locked and the brake won't work.You got to be fucking kidding me.I take my foot of the throttle and turn my head to the left and see that the wall coming closer and closer and I went into the gravel which doesn't slow the car down whatsoever and I feel the car dip a bit down due to the broken tier.The car slams into the wall hard.I feel pain going through my left leg.I hit the steering wheel and hit some buttons that I ain't suppose to press."Max are you okay?...please confirm that you're okay"My engineer comes through.I roll my eyes."Yeah I'm fine"Mocking his words.Let's see if he catches on.I unbuckle my seat belt and reach behind me and take out the head rest and throw it out.I lift myself up and stand up holding onto the car and bent my head down."I'm sorry that they are treating you so bad"I apologize to the car and climb out with a sore leg.

The safety car comes and the tow truck.They're late.The medics comes out of the car and rush over to me."You're late"I say pissed even more."Oh and if you guys treat her bad"Reffering to the car and talking to the tows or whatever their name is."I will do something you'll regret"I start walking on the track since it could be a yellow flag and the cars are driving slow and walk into the pit lane that isn't far from the crash and I can hear the safety car behind me and the medics.

Nicole's pov:
"I'll be right back with some drinks"I say to my friends and they nod.I walk off the stairs that are at the grand stands and walk my way over to the pits and ran over the track.Okay now where does my brother hide his drinks....I'm in dire need of some Monster and Red Bull's since I was falling into and out of sleep.Okay so garages and garages that are closed.I see Max and the medics following him seeing him pissed off.He walks past the Red Bull garage and towards I don't know where.I walk up to him and see him on the verge of tears and pissed off as hell.I open my arms and he walks closer and I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him.I feel a tear on my shoulder.I see the tow truck past me and max and stops by the Red Bull garage at his.I see his car badly damaged.That's why he's so pissed off.

I hug him tighter."Let's go in and talk and check for any injuries."I say and he tenses."I don't want to see my team Let's go through Alex's garage"He says and pull away and put my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulder.We walk past his garage and the team looks at us,we walk into Albon's garage and did some turns and opened the door and went into Max's room.I walk slowly to the counter and he presses his hand on it and sits down."What happened?"I ask."I felt something wrong with the tires and I asked the team about it and they said it's fine and Nico was I think a 2 seconds behind me and my boss says that I should make some breathing space."He loosens the zip op his suit and I turn around looking down since there is a big mirror on the wall in front of me. You can look now"He says and I turn around
grabbing the first aid kit and see him examining his leg.It had blue sores on it from the pressure of the crash and swollen.Ouch.

I walk up to him and grab an ice and give it to him."Can you move your left arm?"I ask him.He nods."Can you uhm put the ice on?...."He ask and I smile and he sobs."Hay....don't're not in last place on the grid've lapped most of the drivers with many laps....Max don't cry"I say and he shows a small smile."So anyway where were I...oh so I went a bit faster and the tire keep on blistering while trying to block Nico....So when we came at the end of the hanger straight into the Stowe corner the tier was completely blistered and broken and Nico bumped my back right tire.The brakes broke...I don't know how....and I tried to steer but the...the left back tier was locked and I slam into the wall hard."I widen my eyes"And guess what....the medics and the tow truck was late"I shake my head I finish and see some burn marks on his leg."What happened here?"I ask "It's my suit it's to dark and the sun burned my suit and the suit burned me."He say and put the ice on it and he hisses.

I leave it there and pull out my phone and went into the F1 app and went to this weekends race."Looks like you made the Top 10"I say and he puts his fingers under my chin and I look into those gorgeous blue eyes."Thank you for taking care of me"He says"It's a pleasure"I say and he smirks."Get some rest"I say and wrap bandages over the ice on his leg."And keep it still and'll heal faster ." Oddly his fingers are still on my cheek and he rubs it softly."I'll check up on you later....gotta find some Energy drinks."I say about to walk away when he grabbed my hand

"Can I get your number?"He ask.I look at him for some time and then I nodded and he hands me his phone,unlock it and gave me his phone.I went into the phones app and added my number saving it as Nicole<3 and handed him back his phone.He smiles and send a text."See you later...gotta go" I say and walk out.

My phone rang and see that it is GiGi my best friend and I pick up."Hay....where are you?"She ask"In the pits getting the drinks"I say "For so long"she says"I was helping someone"I say"Oh....can you come now because it's 2 more laps left"She says and I walk towards them."I'm on my way"I walk up the stairs to my friends and sit down."So....Who were you helping?"GiGi ask and handing me Monster with my brothers name on it.I smile"A Dutchman"I say and she looks at me confuse"Which one cuz here are plenty"She says"Red Bull Champ"Her face drops"No no no....please don't say it's Max"She says and pouts"Well boo hoo for you"I say and giggle."I should've came with you"She says and folded her arms."Yeah were to busy eyeing my brothers car"I say and she rolls her eyes."Anyway....are you guys staying for F2?"I ask my friends...I heard yeah's and see nods.

I see my brothers car coming over the finish line with Val and Daniel following behind him.1 lap left.Seb and Pierre goes head to head trying to pas each other followed by the rest of the drivers.

I just added some music to the story, hope you like it
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